Skip uses Mepis. Mepis isn't dropping KDE.
SimplyMEPIS 3.3.2 was replaced with Simply 3.3.3, which is a great build and includes OpenOffice.org 2.0 and Mozilla Thunderbird. I'm sorry most of you won't have the chance to use it, as Simply 3.4 is now in the works and should be available as a test in a few days. This new version will incorporate some new stuff: KDE 3.4, OpenOffice.org 2.0, and Xorg.
If you're referring to SuSE, well, SJVN says [link|http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1885013,00.asp|KDE's not dead yet]:
OK, so "Why GNOME? Why?"
Well, that one's pretty easy to answer. Novell bought Ximian, GNOME's parent company, back in 2003. And, while there are a lot of KDE supporters within SUSE, KDE has never been the heart and soul of SUSE the way GNOME was for Ximian.
So, when push finally came to shove, GNOME's supporters were in a better position than KDE's within Novell to make the final call.
"Is this the end of KDE!?"
Where do these questions come from! Of course, not!
It's not even the end of KDE at Novell. The community-supported SUSE Desktop is going to continue to support both. KDE's libraries, at the least, will still be in SLES and NLD.
What is true, however, is that GNOME is becoming the choice of desktop interfaces for the big name Linux/Unix companies: Novell, Red Hat, and Sun.
So it seems to be a decision based on things other than "GNOME's better than KDE".