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New Here was your chance - with an Original Mini -
Ya coulda had it [link|http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1974-Morris-mini-refurbished-in-England-2002-1380-A_W0QQitemZ4567182476QQcategoryZ107007QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem| All].

(I know this guy - the amount of TLC in that project makes the $8.5K a Steal;
were I rich, I'd have gone for it. Keep it in the closet..)

I mean.. I mean - what's the satisfiction in just tossin yer CC on the desk and pickin out a 'new replica'
-- when ya can have Alex Issigonis' Wet Dream live? + extra fiddly bits to a fare-thee-well.

Now... a Donald Healey Stage-II bugeyed Sprite, in BRG (er, green) - There be real Crass!, Soichiro.

New Unfortunately . . .
. . John Cooper's Twin Mini crashed when one of the engines froze up. It had a super-hotified engine at each end. Now that was death-defying driving for sure!
New Had only heard vaguely of that crash -
John and 'Ginger' tuned the Mini's engine, added disc brakes and a remote-gearchange, profoundly impressing Harriman who instantly offered John \ufffd2 per car royalty. They shook hands - there was never a formal contract - and the 'Mini-Cooper' was born. It dominated its racing and rally classes virtually throughout the 1960s, won multiple Championships and four consecutive Monte Carlo Rallies, 1964-67 - only to be controversially disqualified in '66. "Drive a Mini Cooper - the most fun you can have with your clothes on!" was one enduring claim, "If your tyres survive more than 2000 miles you've driven it like a wimp!" was another\ufffd The extrovert showman in John Cooper relished every moment of his fame, until May 1963 when he was badly hurt as his new 'Twinny-Mini' prototype crashed. "The publicity killed the twin-Mini idea stone dead", he would explain, "\ufffda pity - four-wheel drive, years before the Audi Quattro\ufffd". Though soon back in harness it was many months before he was fully fit. His men believe he was never the same while Cooper Cars continued racing\ufffd
Here's a [link|http://halesowenmc.tripod.com/john_cooper_cbe_rip.htm| Testimonial].

He'd be right up there with Brakes? What are Those!? - I make my cars to GO not to STOP! Ettore B. {sniff} First AWD!
Ah well, after All That - made it to 77.
Not Bad.

New What, you think you're the only guy ever lusted after
... the fully-faired 125cc GP in BRG with the crooked number? Or the Jag with the impossibly long hood with those wonderful offset stripes? You think we need the acronym spelled out for us? And it ain't just green.

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New Current object of desire (164k image, may cause drooling)

Now that, CRC, is a poseurmobile.

[link|http://www.no2id.net/|Don't Let The Terrorists Win]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
New About as lust-inducing as a refridgerator on wheels
It may have the specs of a poseur, but it just doesn't have the looks for it. Sorry.

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New Bah, Americans.

[link|http://www.no2id.net/|Don't Let The Terrorists Win]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
New must agree - cookie tin on wheels
I like swoopy looking cars.




way cool.

"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"   --Mark Twain

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."   --Albert Einstein

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."   --George W. Bush
New Yup, I'm drooling - but at the 7, not the 3.
New The 5 is the car
Best combo of power and size.

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New The least ugly of the Bangle Beamers, IMO.
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New The 2002tii has always been my favorite. 47 kB .img.
[image|http://membres.lycos.fr/fred63/modeles/2002tii/2002tii.jpg|0|BMW 2002tii|444|700]

The [link|http://www.autoweek.com/article.cms?articleId=103148|original 5 series] was a scaled-up version.


New I remember when one of my clients bought one.
He noticed some front end shimmy and the dealer told him they'd fix that. He talked to another owner who assured him, "No they won't fix it, they all do that and they can't fix it".
New I had a 1600 cabriolet

I bought it wrecked and fixed it in my spare time. Had about $600 in it total (this would be around 1975; wasn't close to new then.) It was fun. Not a lot of power by today's standards, but it would scoot around town. Girls liked riding in it. I suspect that they're better now.
I also had a TR-3 with a TR-2 nose that I raced at Nelson's Ledges (a local sport car track.) I couldn't get girls to ride in that one; it rode like a cement truck, had a bad heater and electrics by Father of Darkness* causing it to stop running at night occasionally. I was going to put in the Mallory replacment when I rolled it once too often... oh well.

*Lucas Electric
New Et tu?
When I picked up my Sprite (ordered through the Vincent dealer there - dealt with for several years) .. I hied self to Lucas' Main HQ. The very definition of POSH - red velvet, etc. - They Wouldn't! let me take a pic of the insides!! (Really) Baad PR I guess they thought - to see where the \ufffd\ufffd really went.

I wanted a 'travel spares kit' - ie: you pay a deposit; on return get \ufffd\ufffd back! less items used/warrantied. (A rather sweet offering, I thought) One of the honchos was curious about this young Yank, so took me to a pub for lunch + my edification. I did not do any of the Prince/Darkness dance, natch - wasn't That 'young' ;-) Adventure!

Bottom line: around Euro, Alps (Grossglockner Pass) through Monte Carlo TT (watching, of course) etc. - Nothing Broke! Ditto across US from NY --> CA at sustained 75ish, (with a couple Donald Healy exhaust mods was all.) The Miata merely tries to be a Sprite.

Drove a TR-2 around a bit - a friend's. But if what you want is Punishment:
ever ride in a Morgan? {ugh} as saying went, finds every bump in the road and hits it hard as it can.

Hey, we're Survivors! (screw those pretty boys n'gurrlz on them silly islands and ersatz fearz)

New It's very White! (er, like mine)
Why ... It's ... ~ to a tarted-up 2002 with delusions of grandeur + plastic body kit, bling-blings down to the vestigial spoiler ornament / and a drag-coefficient just slightly keener than a bread-box with the door open.
Ya were funnin us, right?

BMW I liked was: the heavy-handed Teutonic execution of the opposed twins of the late '50s. Superb workmanship, silent, not very fast but sturdy, adequate handling. A girl had bought a new ~500cc maybe early '60s - which I rode home for her some 30ish miles. New Bike smell!

(While reliable enough, those could break too! - rumor then was: service department was open 2AM-4AM. Image is All, like today ;-)

BTW, noticed just today on road - a BMW 7-ish? (dunno the lineup) has a front-assy, grille (save for the little bumpy bits), corner lights quite similar to my older (prescient?) sled; oncoming - hard to be sure, till close.

Ah well, most-all the other post-95 things here are looking like clones to me.
There seems a bit more diversity on your side of the pond, what with Citro\ufffdn, Tatra?! Renault-still? and a few. I'd have a Cit - over there.

And for my version - the hot setup for 'personalizers' is getting the JDM one-piece behind-plastic headlamp set. Nice till scratches or any small impingement. I'll keep my genuine-glass.

(Could a 500-1000 HP $1M 'car' actually be any fun to drive - a minor Ooops! that wipes out one's entire Patek-Philippe and Ert\ufffd collection?)

It's all fun,


New Sorry-but - there's Enough TLA mind-rot around.
BRG is an insider TLA, known only to those depraved induhviduals, those of the takistomotophile persuasion ... and of an Earlier Era. You, OTOH *would* be the exception - for knowing about bit-rot AND pistons the mice have been at. :-\ufffd

But you don't know what the pawl carrier centraliser does, in a certain Brit Vee-twin legend. Nor who/what? Gunga Din was.. How about, TFFO? ;-)

Now let's check your Aussie / no fair asking Our Oz folks. Tell me what, I dips me lid means.

{sniff} Never got a ride on one of those 18,000 rpm dental drills - getting lots-more than the hoary 1 HP/cu. in. Then there was the Guzzi 500 cc DOHC water-cooled Vee-Eight, way before anything much besides (the poor underpowered but Silent Veocette LE: ~ a motorcycle with angular scooter-like enclosure and Hand Starter-lever). 63 cc cylinders!

The LE- ride for folks in biz suits + brolly. Highly collectible. Hell, with $5 gas - price can only go ^^^

Collectors of Obsolete and Useless Information, LLC
Div. Library of Sexual Congress
PET or Otrona BIOS disassembly, anyone?

New Lessee now
Pawl carrier centraliser, yup, gearbox part.

Gunga Din, yup, that was a movie. (Okay, it was a poem first.)

TFFO ... TFFO ... nope, you got me on that one. But I know IoM TT, do I get partial credit for that?

And "I dips me lid" sounds so much like "doffing my cap" that it's gotta be a sign of respect.

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New ..you smart college guys
(OK - what's That from? - First, I mean.)

OK on the gearbox, if a bit vague.
(If you'd known that it's the weird lopsided figure-8 leaf spring that returns the shift lever, after 'use' - then I'd say: ya needs to have a trivia-flush of the Flashy Memory)

Gunga Din - nahh, that's the pedestrian association.
(A famous Vincent special, 'experimental test-bed' for an ex-Works guy - faster n'stink, etc. 'Famous' that is - quite beyond just the V. folke.)

Too Fast For Owner - seen in lots of UK personal ads for (obvious kinds of) bikes.

Lid - that was my ob guess, too (just happened to see the term used recently).

IoM {sniff} indeed..
still working on the Small Gods permitting a trip for the '07 Centennial (I think). Dunno what the new infinite-HP+$ factory creations have done to the contest, of course. (But they can't screw much with the other scenery).

Gorgeous venue; if the crowds haven't been Muricanized by too many Peckinpah imports -??- it's among the very few masses-of-humanity I'd welcome joining. Saw none of the "let's tear up the town after the feetball match" madness. Then.. anyway.

See ya There!

New Thing I wanna see
Is the brick wall on the inside of the right turn they skim their helmets on at 120.

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New Re: Thing I wanna see
Yeah.. that's the Problem alright; WHICH neat-o place to stand == ya Can't 'ride' to another! during.

I chose: near-top of Bray Hill; catch the curve at top, see a red Gilera streak by at about arm's length, at (then ~80ish heading for near-140) and downhill, to a RIGHT-angle turn at Kate's Cottage. Nice stone walls to sit on, share edibles with the troops.

Ya Gots to go at least Once! You already know what you'd be Missing!
(which makes it even worse to realize.. as the precious bodily fluids drain out.. by the side of the road ... somewhere in Kansas) .. and Suddenly it dawns:
I Missed the IOM!! :-/ {gasp}{croak}

IOM Shills International LLC

     Now, this is how... - (bepatient) - (33)
         wooohoooo!! -NT - (cforde)
         I've heard of stopping on a dime, but... -NT - (ben_tilly)
         Yowza! -NT - (imric)
         And Peter says FWD is crap. His Al-Ro coldn't do that. :-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (4)
             True... - (pwhysall) - (3)
                 That's what sun roofs are for. ;-) -NT - (Another Scott)
                 Why would you want an auto boot? - (tonytib)
                 IIRC "boot" == trunk for we Colonials.... - (jb4)
         Here was your chance - with an Original Mini - - (Ashton) - (20)
             Unfortunately . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 Had only heard vaguely of that crash - - (Ashton)
             What, you think you're the only guy ever lusted after - (drewk) - (17)
                 Current object of desire (164k image, may cause drooling) - (pwhysall) - (11)
                     About as lust-inducing as a refridgerator on wheels - (drewk) - (2)
                         Bah, Americans. -NT - (pwhysall)
                         must agree - cookie tin on wheels - (tuberculosis)
                     Yup, I'm drooling - but at the 7, not the 3. -NT - (CRConrad) - (6)
                         The 5 is the car - (bepatient) - (5)
                             The least ugly of the Bangle Beamers, IMO. -NT - (Meerkat)
                             The 2002tii has always been my favorite. 47 kB .img. - (Another Scott) - (3)
                                 I remember when one of my clients bought one. - (Andrew Grygus)
                                 I had a 1600 cabriolet - (hnick) - (1)
                                     Et tu? - (Ashton)
                     It's very White! (er, like mine) - (Ashton)
                 Sorry-but - there's Enough TLA mind-rot around. - (Ashton) - (4)
                     Lessee now - (drewk) - (3)
                         ..you smart college guys - (Ashton) - (2)
                             Thing I wanna see - (drewk) - (1)
                                 Re: Thing I wanna see - (Ashton)
         I used to own a Mini. -NT - (static)
         What the fsck was THAT!?! - (jb4)
         Bill, the car thing is ummm... but did you check out - (danreck) - (1)
             pretty impressive -NT - (bepatient)

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