Men and women can be platonic friends. I can't imagine my life without my male friends. Our relationships are about the soul, not so much the body. It's all about connecting to a kindred spirit. My friendships are different from my relationship with my husband. They give me dimension, which is important to me.

I don't really have any former lovers. They are all current! Ha Ha! I keed! I keed!

Seriously though, it is possible to be friends with a former lover.

If you truly loved him, then you will be happy for him if he finds his soul-mate. Just don't try to make him change his mind that you are "the one" so he'll sleep with you. He doesn't want that kind of pressure.

If it wasn't about love, then you don't care who he sleeps with. As long as you still want to go to the ballgame with him, then you are best buds in his book. Especially if you buy the first round of beer. :-D

Now, if he is still hooked on you and you broke his heart, all bets are off WRT being "just friends". He will drive you crazy trying to make you change your mind and sleep with him again. You don't need that kind of pressure.

Venus and Mars...HA!