People have embraced womb-to-tomb 'protection', that snake-oil antidote to;
-also aka-
Gawd forbid that Anything should Happen!
(But if it does: make it all well with some $$. Oh.. Yeah..)
Surely as seductive a dreamscape as Heroin produces?
Twice just-now, a noisy fear-besotted minority of zealots has stampeded a less-than-majority into trading-away in. just. a. few. years! most every significant provision of the Constitution, for:
that very same base illusion of 'security'.
however moribund
Less-secure but authentically Alive.
This mindset dovetails perfectly with the Puritan religio-meme:
by eschewing most bodily entertainments or adventurous emotional experience
(while nominally..."alive"):
- in exchange for -
a guaranteed eternity of inert Admiration-of-Him\ufffd.
Death-worship Culture R'Us