Kittykat John:
Australian traveller [...] caused consternation and discomfort [...] by requesting that her salad was served with the main meal. [...] garnered a number of tut-tuts and funny looks.
How to spot a phony sophisticate: They "tut-tut" about shit that real sophisticates take in their stride.

I mean, it's not as if eating her salad with her steak (or whatever), like a normal sensible person, was actually disgusting or caused any *real* "discomfort", is it?

I bet *she* didn't "tut-tut" *them* for being so weird and having their Filler Greens without any Food to go with them[*], or their Food without any Filler Greens[+].

[*]: Which is, to be honest, a bit tedious.

[+]: Which seems a bit ostentatiously wasteful.