Wha-aat.._______(Ah - found the John Barth quip)
Ya Mean That - - - these modrin whelps
never learned how to do That. Either?
Damn.. that explains a lot of other stuff.
Nope, I lied - Love.It.
You are far from the first to bemoan the persistently robotics-grade osculatory eptness of your average Puritan-spawned wannabe-male. The shortened attention span + transistorized joystick obsessions might well have intensified? that cultural ineptitude.
What a thought.. Eeeuwww :-\\
A poster comes to mind, if I can find the wording.. Nope, can't.
Seemed to moi a definitive illustration of
Virtuosity VS artless imitation.
~~ then:
Naive ineptness has its charms,
as does technical proficiency,
. . .
. . .
But what you really want is,
Sincere virtuosity.Aahhhh, Ver\ufffdnica, wherefore art thou now?Edit:
"My feeling about technique in art," he told an interviewer in 1968, "is that it has about the same value as technique in love-making. That is to say, on the one hand, heartfelt ineptitude has its appeal and, on the other hand, so does heartless skill; but what you want is passionate virtuosity."
{sigh} My synonym skillz don't come close to the just-Right words, again. He's paid better, though.
But then, the range of this artistry is wide, one is So-pleased to discover, while -sadly- noting that some females skipped a lot of their arpeggio and recapitulation practice, as well. Not surprising this.. to anyone who ever {shuddered} through one '05 viewing of
Elimidate, ie 'How to Be Monster-enough' to outGro$$ even Teen-TV. Yeah, they'll learn a Lot from that moose-pit.
Still, feedback confirmed all-along that there's no contest for which half wins the Booby Prize for ineptitude er, hands down.
But Hey! - ya could teach (some.. of) 'em,
(less'n they be techno And lost-in-head most all the time).
Buy a Russian bride, indeed.
Never any decent training, simple as that.