Announced a few weeks ago, [link||Django]'s a web framework in Python, sort of in the same vein as Rails (was developed around the same time and with many of the same goals, though neither one seems to have known about the other).
\r\n\r\nI'd been meaning to sit down and tinker with it since I'm much more amenable to Python than to Ruby, and after a couple hours tonight I'm very impressed. It's a seriously no-nonsense framework with a lot of well-chosen defaults, a lovely database API and an amazingly well-designed web-based admin interface automatically generated from your data models. I can honestly see myself building things with this and only changing the site name in the admin templates before handing it over to a client.
\r\n\r\nA well-written [link||tutorial] is available, along with plenty of other documentation (and for those on shared hosting who don't have mod_python (the recommended way to run Django), be sure to check out [link||Django with FasctCGI].