The whole shooting match yes. But there is movement even here in Indiana. GA is dying and we're losing small airports at the rate of just over 1 per week. SATS is viewed by a significant number of folks as the best way to save small airports. Even at our little country airport SATS people came to an Aviation Board meeting for a presentation. But what do I know?

To demonstrate how little I know about bidness-think, on 9/11/2001 I was a student pilot (I was in the air when it happened and had to literally be flagged down because the airplane I was in had the radio out for repairs) I thought sure the Air Taxi business would take off. I didn't think bidness men wanted to spend 4 hours in an airport for a 3 hour flight (2 hours pre-board on both ends). Clearly, that didn't happen. I'd love to see SATS take off because I have a vested interest in aviation.

Thanks for your perspective.