(or is that just a p\ufffdan to Captain Clarity?)
Efficiency-container-box runneth over:
Deviant; uncompressed. Check
Un-obvious *surds. Check
(* Un-yay: word needs a look-up table event.)
Un-abbreviated; Error. Check.
Meet Standards/Not. Check. (or, maybe just M/Soft)
Simple-declaratory/Not. Check.
Must. practice. write. .tgz .zip.
Must Remember admonitions of local
Principal of Peter Principle
(Gratuitous italics. Check.)
CarnegieHall/Get-to/How ?
Practice \ufffd 3
Nope, box too big.
Saw sub.
Sank same.
Sub #N 666, Pacific Theatre
Nope, verbose.
To Headquarters:
Won! They lost.
Sub #N-666
(Better; still un-woo)
HQ:Still here/SubN666