Gawd.. Six Degrees ==> Someone here! has been around ShrubRove, somewhere somehow :(
Cyclotron pretty long-tooth by my tenure; not useful for the project mentioned:
The Bevatron was a circle-with-straight-sections; 50' radius of the arcs, for perspective. Don't recall encountering the above folk, but Nobelists (and their groups, grad-students doing most of the work, natch) were as thick as Repos at a merger in the Caymans, chaired by ol' Chain-saw whatsisname.
The Super-Hilac produced many (most?) of the Trans-Uranic additions to the Periodic Chart (Thanks! Mendeleev) - many with Al Ghiorso's name on them. (Got a Roosian note from him at the time of Apollo-Soyuz linkup / with new Rooski stamp First-Day Cover! commemorating that event.)
Hooking the two together (ie using the heavy-ion capabilities of the HILAC as 'injector' for the 2.2 GeV/c Bevatron) became both thinkable and techno- practical in early '70s, despite their physical separation (including significant elevation! differences).
PDPs were arriving, to accommodate the pulsing of (beam optics) quadrupole fields, with requisite accuracy. Then too, the first synchrotron guide field ever to be minicomputer controlled - was the Bevatron, via PDP-8 (Thanks! Don Evans et al).
Put 'em together and create YAN acronym: the Bevalac.
(One MAD Party when the first beam made it all the way to full energy! - Glenn Seaborg + cast of hundreds vas dere: I too - in my mess-dress ex-AF uniform + Mad Hatter hat.) Got a great pic, too...
Fun stuff (and for moi, Trebly-so, for there being no marketing ergo lying, nor a 'product' to sell). I Love wissenschaffts; the antithesis of bizness fuckwittery.
As Sigourney said so eloquently, Lucky.. lucky.. lucky..