I've long deemed it inevitable that 'Something would break-out' of our millions of linear-think Mondo-chemical encirclements. Seems inescapable, given the populations' general bio-insouciance re all critters including homo-sap (and not to mention the menageries from paramecia upwards).

Couldn't guess even which Kingdom would be The One, let alone phylum or class -- since homo-sap, all by itself, is each other's almost-Worst enemy -- merely via embracing the standard sophomoric Power-game scheme; loved by the superstitious masses - beloved of legions of their unimaginative handlers.

Since killer-bees don't seem to have gotten much attention as they progress, looks like Yellow Submarine nailed it, yet again -

When the panicked Chief Blue Meanie was casting about for an escape plan from the onrushing Music-nuclear Forces of Sgt. Pepper.. his Blue-sidekick responded,
