- \r\n
- Switching between application windows : [link|http://www.petermaurer.de/nasi.php?thema=witch&sprache=english|http://www.petermaur...h&sprache=english]\r\n
Witch can be configured to do what it is that I think you want.\r\n \r\n - \r\nMultiple desktops: [link|http://virtuedesktops.sourceforge.net/|http://virtuedesktops.sourceforge.net/]\r\n
You might already have tried this, but I don't see mention of it. Jumps to the desktop a window is on. Witch's application switcher only shows the apps on the current desktop. You can send a window or application to a particular desktop, or make it appear on all of them. X11 windows appear under the X11 process.\r\n \r\n
\r\nHope this helps.\r\n