The inhabitants of Little Havana / Miami Dade - are the cohorts of the US mobsters who were the exploiters. Typically these are portrayed in US agitprop as "the freedom loving antiCommyunist true representatives" of the er Cuban Peepul (cf. The Murican Peepul). I wonder if the name Bautista is ever even mentioned to HS students, in Murican prepared 'text'books nowadays (?)
Hah.. the Calle Ocho folk make Trent Lott look like a 'humanitarian'. Having lost cosa nostra, their dudgeon knows no bounds. I've talked with some (a friend was involved with a Cuban there). None will acknowledge any of the points you mentioned. Of course. It's like trying to talk to a thousand Jerry Foulwells.
That we maintain our blockade in Y2K signifies only - the petulant and predictable behavior of an adolescent mind-set in most all our foreign relations. The juvenile nature is displayed everytime a Murican asks, all teary eyed.. Gosh.. why don't they Like US? Huhh?
Maybe the Marshall Plan was our last genuinely humane policy statement. All since was mere dodging and weaving to embarrass the USSR, win cold-war brownie points: but Never was all that about helping people per se. The dictators and other slime we terror-trained at the
School for the Americas (!) (Ft. Benning?) [Oh the Irony]
Demonstrated for all the world to see - that our actions were purely strategic and on the most maudlin scale of all: sheer maintenance of Power. Screw the inhabitants. That is our legacy in Cuba as in Nacaragua, Guatemala, Chile ... ... And the fantasy of 'otherwise' is now so deeply ingrained (Graham Greene writings notwithstanding) - the Murican Peepul continue to ask the above terminally naive Question:
Even here! and after 9/11.. Can a perennial adolescent Ever grow up?
We'll see..
at play in the fields of the lurid.