positions. Trotskyite Taliban - nice ring to it?

[Note: USSC looking to create a new Security Org for THEIR own fucking survival! This in Today, as the beat goes on, or is that a dirge? over the muffled bass drum.]

But that next usage won't erase the rich history of violence which has made the over-the-Top violent language all-along.. as Murican as apple pie and sexual dysfuction/obsession: our continuing tribute to All Those Puritans.

(Remember: we Needed! the muskets, blunderbusses early-on - to off the owner/inhabitants who Got In Our Way\ufffd.) We be Family! here, even before those imports from Italy cleaned up the organizing.

Gun-love was instrumental in destroying that kinda-almost-Republic; maybe they can help reclaim it. Or maybe they'll just be a means for us Losers to pick off a few goose-steppers - once the uniforms are passed out?

You Be Da Judge [ie Duck! if you ARE one]