Even if I grant the outrageous supposition that "conservative politicians" are motivated by fiscal responsibility - cough, cough, GAG! - how do 'splain that a personal pay-cut is never a part of their efforts?

Furthermore, while you state that you're a liberal and voting for the interest of everyone...you didn't state how voting to increase a tax of 1% would be in the interests of everyone.

You make a good point. That was a judgement on my part. See, I think that hiring enough teachers so that a 35:1 student/teacher ratio is reduced, fixing crumbling public schools, providing Medicaid to the poor, mental health services to those who need them, not charging public school children "book rental fees" for non-existent books, etc., in short all the things that the additional estimated $260 million dollars could buy, but the governor says must be cut, is in everyone's interest. Others disagree. They're called Republicans. And Indiana is lousy with them.