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New You've just got a different definition of self-interest. :)
Having the plebes cared for so they don't put you up against the wall and shoot you when the revolution comes is, while more long-term, definitely in your own self-interest.
"Here at Ortillery Command we have at our disposal hundred megawatt laser beams, mach 20 titanium rods and guided thermonuclear bombs. Some people say we think that we're God. We're not God. We just borrowed his 'SMITE' button for our fire control system."
New Naw, if that's what I was worried about.
I'd support Dub in his efforts to eliminate liberty for "the great unwashed." ;0)

Besides, the revolution will, of course, need "professional revolutionaries" and that's what I plan to be. :-)

Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer.
(Just trying to be accepted in the New America)
Expand Edited by mmoffitt Feb. 8, 2005, 12:11:41 PM EST
     Red State Farmers - how do you like your choice now? - (tuberculosis) - (42)
         Not everybody's vote can be bought. - (marlowe) - (41)
             Is there a DisneyLand in your universe too? -NT - (tuberculosis)
             Ah, so we're back to the 'noble savage' paradigm . . . -NT - (Andrew Grygus) - (5)
                 Savage, no. Noble, yes. - (marlowe) - (4)
                     You're less coherent than usual in this post. - (Another Scott) - (3)
                         Same people as build the roads and drive the trucks now. - (marlowe) - (2)
                             Government builds the roads. Teamsters drive the trucks. -NT - (ChrisR)
                             Won't happen. - (inthane-chan)
             Right and wrong - (JayMehaffey) - (14)
                 Actually no... - (Simon_Jester) - (13)
                     Re: Actually no... - (JayMehaffey) - (12)
                         s/shrug/idiots/ - (ben_tilly)
                         I guess what I was trying to say... - (Simon_Jester) - (10)
                             And you're wrong on that - (ben_tilly) - (3)
                                 <grin> I'm not sure that that's not - (Simon_Jester) - (2)
                                     That would be a big stretch - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                                         Perhaps... - (Simon_Jester)
                             B.S. - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                                 You've just got a different definition of self-interest. :) - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                                     Naw, if that's what I was worried about. - (mmoffitt)
                                 Perhaps... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                                     But the politicians salaries are NEVER on the block. - (mmoffitt)
                             Nah, not for you... TO you. -NT - (jake123)
             Which is why Bush brought it during his campaign... - (Simon_Jester)
             Transcending your urban roots, eh? - (tuberculosis) - (12)
                 Once again, you get it all backwards. - (marlowe) - (11)
                     Re: Once again, you get it all backwards. - (tuberculosis) - (10)
                         Condi's competence isnt in question, its her motives -NT - (daemon) - (9)
                             As NSA - she wasn't exactly on the ball in summer 2001 - (tuberculosis) - (8)
                                 GIVE IT A FREAKIN BREAK!!! - (daemon) - (7)
                                     Stop it. - (bepatient) - (1)
                                         I can forgive missing the jet attacks - (tuberculosis)
                                     I believe we said the same thing about Clinton... - (Simon_Jester)
                                     GIVE IT A FREAKIN BREAK YERSELF!!! - (jb4) - (3)
                                         They didn't use box cutters. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                             Two points.... - (Simon_Jester)
                                             You're Welcome! ;-) -NT - (jb4)
             Having grown up on farms . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
                 You must have been going to the county seat. - (jbrabeck) - (3)
                     Actually, it wasn't quite that bad. - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                         Montana - (jbrabeck) - (1)
                             Yeah, as thy used to say, 'Better dead than red' -NT - (Andrew Grygus)

You have mushrooms walking around. What do you expect?
54 ms