...come over for left-overs, dude..although it seems you created them in advance of your trip to the brothers...
Cooking began Wed...with pies (cherry, apple, pumpkin and peach)...as well as broccoli-cheese casserole (an annual request) and sweet potato casserole. Wed ended the wifes duties.
Thursday AM began my duties...stuffing (from "scratch"...quotes because I don't make the bread cubes...they're bought), stuff the bird...get the bird in for its 5 hour stint, then peel potato (multiple) for mashed...green bean casserole (modified from the back of Frenches Fried Onions), corn, rolls...and heat the escarole soup brought by my mommy-in-law.
As with every time I cook this meal...by the time it hits the table my appetite has been curbed from hours of picking...so a modest plateful of food...clean up...then coffee and pies...
Oh, yeah, forgot the wine imbibed throuh the day...nice french white for me and Arbor Mist for the likers of flavors among the family.
Compliments were passed to both chefs at the end of another traditional Thanksgiving day bonanza.
And today...the required turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce sandwich...chased with more freakin pie (before we donate the rest to the neighborhood kids)
Oh...we have enough left that I packaged a dinner for 4 to go with my mother in law and we will have it again Saturday or Sunday.