Ah yes, the infamous Magnum
I was in love with the original Dodge Magnum XE, which came out in 1978, man that was an awesome car. I still have the pictures and article from the Car & Driver article they published when it came out.
When I heard they were gonna remake the Dodge Magnum, I was elated, even anticipating it's release, until I saw it. Sadly, the new design of the Magnum pales against the original... I took one look at it and just couldn't believe it. I imagine it still hauls ass, I hear it has a lot of power, but I also have to like how the car looks, and the Pontiac GT meets both of those standards for me.
I also once wanted (between the Magnum and the GT), a Dodge Daytona. Those cars rocked too, but I never owned one. Got to test drive a couple though!
Edit: P.S. If they had offered it in something other than Wagon Form, the new Dodge Magnum might have had a chance with me, but in wagon form it looks like a short Limo. Bleah. And the old-style front grille looks ridiculous on it as well.
"The people of the world having once been deceived, suspect deceit in truth itself." -- Hitopadesa 600?-1100? AD, Sanskrit Fable From Panchatantr

Edited by
Jan. 26, 2005, 01:25:20 PM EST
Ah yes, the infamous Magnum
I was in love with the original Dodge Magnum XE, which came out in 1978, man that was an awesome car. I still have the pictures and article from the Car & Driver article they published when it came out.
When I heard they were gonna remake the Dodge Magnum, I was elated, even anticipating it's release, until I saw it. Sadly, the new design of the Magnum pales against the original... I took one look at it and just couldn't believe it. I imagine it still hauls ass, I hear it has a lot of power, but I also have to like how the car looks, and the Pontiac GT meets both of those standards for me.
I also once wanted (between the Magnum and the GT), a Dodge Daytona. Those cars rocked too, but I never owned one. Got to test drive a couple though!
"The people of the world having once been deceived, suspect deceit in truth itself." -- Hitopadesa 600?-1100? AD, Sanskrit Fable From Panchatantr