Civics test would be counterproductive!
No worries, the random reliance on actual vote counts has already been corrected for!
And wrt economic power vs military power, I think we need to look at things a little differently... the civics-lesson approach tells us that we are the most powerful and free country in the world, and that we should continue to do good, that our best interests are to lead the world into a better era.
BUT THAT'S OLD THINKING. That's optimistic, rose-colored, weak-kneed, bleeding-heart, depending-on-others, limp-wristed pap.
You gotta think CRISIS. You gotta think stingy. You gotta think mean. You gotta think Last chance. You gotta think Nothing to lose.
We only have a few good years of dominance left, are rapidly heading towards irrelevance, and the nice-guy civics-lesson good-world-citizen approach is only going to accelerate the process of landing us into the also-ran bin, while handing a nice working productive world over to China. Once that happens, we'll have nothing to show for it and no way to get out of it *forever*.
By stirring things up the way we have been these past years (and wait -- there's more!), we may create chances for a catastrophic success somewhere, and if we still lose, at least we'll have poisoned the well so whoever takes over will have a hard time of it -- and who knows, leave ourselves a little leverage to work with.
Have whatever values you have. That's what America is for.
You don't need George Bush for that.