Right. It's a particle. No, it's a wave. It's a wavicle.
Di-gi-tal - a purely jelloware invention to accomodate the turgid mentation of the current dominant species, (in its waning tenure; soon to be replaced by Gaia for incorrigible vandalism - I hear).
But since 'DC' is YAN approximation - for convenience in calculation - we'd best go back to impedance and all that successive approximation with umm fluxions and their successors.
(And yes, I know that - as Bob Pease has reported.. there are certain lo-noise jFets with which you can virtually 'count' these handy 'electron' thingies, in the fA range - see, I said it would get down to epistemology, especially for those folks who still imagine the merely observable-part of the Cosmos can be squashed into some digital format.)
Next we'd have to take on the 'unit of length' and that awkward infinite-digit wavelength of a certain bunch of excited Cs atoms -- ya can't measure the current/time without a length and time Ref. Or is time er 'corpuscular', too? But is it Real? Got a time-arrow handy re the anti-matter conundrum?
And so it goes. A digital Cosmos is a Neoconman/Bushie-style Cosmos; an analog Cosmos is a Mozartean Cosmos. Pick your World.
Carefully. j-;
(In the end, everything's digital... up-for-Grabs)
Love. It.