...and unfortunately, some that I don't have time to handle properly right now.
Yeah, I know I don't cite much. Problem is mainly due to time - As a full time worker/college student, this is pretty much my sole "entertainment" source lately. Maybe in about a year, when I'm done with college, I'll have more time to go digging through different sites looking for articles to back up my position. My comment about getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night for the past two weeks is unfortunately too accurate, and I wish it was due to something enjoyable.
I agree that you post a lot more "raw data points" than others in the form of newslinks - but I've also seen you grab one sentence out of a whole paragraph that somebody else cites, then dismiss the rest as an "incoherent rant" without explaining WHY you think its an "incoherent rant." IIRC, in formal logic studies, there's a specific name for that kind of fallacy, but it doesn't come to mind at present.
I'll also admit that it's possible I missed seeing you admit that you've been in error. I can't recall ever seeing such a post, but I'll admit the possibility. If you want to point it out to me, fine, if not, I'll take your word as a man of honor. Oddly enough, I do respect you as somebody who at least stands behind what they say. A lot more than can be said for one other person who didn't respond to a certain chess challenge a bit back... (No, not the two of you who are currently playing me - in fact, I wasn't the challenger...)
As far as the "blaming others for not letting you win" bit - I mentioned merely that you and I have incompatible .dll structures, and that from my viewpoint, you don't appear to have room to admit that other possible .dll structures exist. I probably did overstep that a bit - like all dogmas, (including my own!) they cannot accept the existence of a dogma that is not subservient to their own. I'd like to improve my debate skills, I'm just realizing that right now, it's counterproductive for me to worry about debate when I've got homework. :) I keep bouncing into arguments when my emotions get the better of me, and then bounce out when I realize I've got 1k lines of code due the next morning, which does give kind of a scattered appearance. :( Sorry if I've given the impression that I'm blaming you for my inability to debate.
I think the largest disconnect between you and me, however, comes on a philosophical level - we seem to disagree on a pretty deep level exactly what we should and should not do in response to recent world events. You might be surprised, if I ever ran off at the mouth, just what I would be willing to do in order to put an end to this threat once and for all, just as I have expressed my surprise at the actions you seem willing to do. In the end, however, we are ultimately on the same side - we do not wish to have threats to civilization wandering around Out There. Barbarians at the Gate, et al.
For now, I'll TRY to stop firing blanks into the crouds... And just chuck a few grenades when I find live ones.