His kidneys had been damaged by Cushing's Disease some years ago. At that time, the vet told us that we could expect this to be the thing that got him.
He had an episode about 6 months ago where the kidneys had shut down on him, but they managed to re-hydrate him and get them started again. He bounced back pretty good and I had hoped to get another year, but apparently this was not to be. Although there was the possiblilty of repeating that treatment, I thought it best not to try.
It was a tough decision to make, but I couldn't see the point of dragging this out. I was probably keeping him going more for me than for him and that's just not right. Still hurts like hell, though.
Cysts that would have to be surgically removed from time to time (they would sometimes get infected and swell), Cushing's Disease, blindness, and finally kidney failure. Not the best had dealt to any animal, but he weathered it all very well to the end. He was a tough little guy.