Superb band playing, sometimes virtuosic instrument playing.. appears to go Very well with coal mining:

See [any refs to] UK Colliery Bands, an ongoing tradition. We also had such traditions at turn of century - genuine American music (a well as all other sources) played by amateurs* of varying talents, some of whom became as 'professional' as any (Herbert L. Clarke, Arthur Pryor et al) and as 'immortal'.

* amateurs do it for love! surely a superior mtoivation to (any doing it for just..) money (?)

So 'embroidery' IS practised by colliers / miners only.. it is the embroidery of an oiginal cadenza, in a solo !



PS - yes we still have HS marching bands and {ugh} the inevitable 'competitions': inevitably a speed contest, with accent upon doing tricks, acrobatics while 'playing' (!) garish uniforms and .. sports-grade tunes. We no longer have anywhere (AFAIK) anything remotely resembling the UK's Colliery Bands, or remains of our last-century tradition: where (yes they do march at times) mostly the emphasis is upon musicianship and a wide range of actual music performance - not just 'marches'.