Hi Wade,

While you're being gently beaten about the head on evolution :-), let's consider a different thread.

Is there "controversy" about the order of creation?

In [link|http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?passage=genesis&version=NIV&showfn=yes&showxref=yes&language=english |Genesis 1] the Bible says things were created in the following order:

1. Heavens and earth. Waters (not explicitly created).
2. Light.
3. Separated waters from waters (in heaven) by the Sky.
4. Land.
5. Plants.
6. Sun, Moon and stars.
7. Water creatures and birds.
8. Land creatures.
9. Man and woman.

Science (and common sense) tells us that things on earth and in the universe could not have been created in this order. Does this mean that there's "controversy" about the creation of the Earth? Does this mean that people who understand that the Sun existed before plants can't believe the Bible or be religious?

I don't think so.

I think it's safest to use science to answer scientific questions and use religion to answer religious questions. One wouldn't ask a mathematician if one wanted to know how to write poetry. :-)

I don't think the Bible says anything about Evolution myself.

My $0.02.
