Post #17,971
11/12/01 8:34:38 PM

In the beginning, there was this turtle...
...and he was big...and he had 2 was the sun...the other the moon...
Could Mr Ah-Clem please report to the hospitatlity shelter...thank you!
Dr. Memory...
Back to the shadows again!
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #17,972
11/12/01 8:34:52 PM
11/12/01 11:05:00 PM

Or was it..
a catfish?
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

Edited by bepatient
Nov. 12, 2001, 11:03:20 PM EST

Edited by bepatient
Nov. 12, 2001, 11:05:00 PM EST
Post #18,020
11/13/01 8:57:08 AM

I was hoping there was at least... other refugee from the 70's still alive on this forum.
jb4 (I just fade my voice like this and cue the organist....)
Post #18,064
11/13/01 12:18:17 PM

Check your PBS listings for end November, early December
...for there will be a special unlike any other...
The Doctor is in!
Ok...back to playing with my anxious android, Chucko...
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #18,072
11/13/01 1:44:28 PM

I'll keep my eyes peeled...And lemme know if you see it first (I'll do the same...)
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #18,088
11/13/01 2:56:52 PM
11/13/01 2:58:29 PM

I already have it programmed to tape :-)
And several strategically placed reminders (with alarms on) to remind me to have a blank in the machine :-)
PS: The special is 90 minutes...but Philly has a live 90 minute lead its 3 hours total...
Thats shoes for industry for ya!
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

Edited by bepatient
Nov. 13, 2001, 02:58:29 PM EST
Post #18,145
11/13/01 6:28:17 PM

If ya think of it BeeP, please give a shout later..
What with reduced attention span and all, and creeping NewsFlash paralysis and everything on our minds.. and the Betles breaking up and
What was I talking about?
Post #18,223
11/14/01 9:40:47 AM

I shall try to remember...
...thats it!
Dr. Memory!
Well its the bees and spiders again...
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #18,228
11/14/01 9:56:57 AM

"Deep in December, it's nice to remember..."
[link||"...The fire of September"]?
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
Post #18,323
11/14/01 6:25:06 PM

Damn CRC..
Your wacko associative nexus appears to be wired almost as randomly as mine .. poor baby. Ah.. fond memories from days of innocence -
All I Want for Christmas is bin-Laden's Teeth
I Saw Mommy Dissing Santa's Claws (why did he take off his suit, though?)
Chess Nuts Roasting on an Open Pyre
..and of course the song written for epicurean motorcyclists,
Me and My Shadow
Ok OK - I'll go
Post #18,329
11/14/01 7:01:17 PM

Afghan Hell, Afghan Hell, Bombing all the way...
O what fun, it is to drive, the Taleban away, Hey!
Oh dear.
On and on and on and on, and on and on and on goes John.
Post #18,434
11/15/01 2:08:16 PM

So.......when is it???
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #18,438
11/15/01 2:34:21 PM

[link||Find the listing here for a city near you].
Dr. Memory? Close B clothes mode!
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #18,469
11/15/01 6:43:36 PM

Thank you...So marked!
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)