You and Ross are a Definite pair.
You can't use the easiest text based installer you can find.
on the boot... please press F2 <-> F10 to understand the flexibility.
You are a fucking expert, use the expert settings.
If you can't install Debian you must be braindead just like Ross is.
You are fighting it. Remember there are 11 platforms the installer has to install to. If you can't even comprehend the simple shit, Why for would you want a GUI that just adds to the complexity of the install.
I'll bet given that machine in my possession it would just work. I can't even begin to understand how a simple instaler can kick yours and Ross' ass.
Fucking Unbelievable.
I am done trying to hold hands and help those that won't help themselves and open up and look around.
If my 11 year old daughter can install Debian Sarge unassisted using the new Debian Installer... (I wasn't even around when she did it) I can't help *YOU* two anymore.