I am not comparing netinstalls, I am comparing distro installs from a technical paper version to myself. In other words can I search on the net for linux distros, get hits on major release sites, download an ISO and install painlessly. If I wanted the best way to get on a box and get linux rolling I would have directly emailed you off line and asked your advice as I dont keep up with the latest and greatous except thru this board and Karsten. My purpose was to get what joe schmoo has available via google and see how competant it was. Devian Sarge from an install basis was a HUGE fucking hork! yea with your "insider ability" meanin you know the product inside and out install is painless but from an outsider ability its the worst I have ever seen a valid critisism in my view and to add to the list of intel unix installs that are beter I had forgotten interative Unix 5.4