As you can probably tell from the picture next to my name, I've got a few local insights into the islands that many others here won't.

First off, Abu Sayeff is as much an Islamic terrorist organization as any other bunch of bandits that happens to need to fence stuff on the open market. YEARS ago, there was an Islamic insurgency with the same name, but they got their asses handed to them, pretty much dissolved, and a couple of the 'more shady' members picked up the tools left behind and went on a kidnapping spree. The Prez of the Phillipines sees an opportunity to get some U.S. help sqashing this group, labels them 'terrorists', and brings in the Almighty Force of the United States to squash what amounts to around 50-60 criminals. It's kind of like the United States asking the League of Nations to help quash Capone, claiming he's an international terrorist.

So, we went in to the Phillipines, squashed them like a bug, and got out.

And then the Phillipines, no longer having any real interest in helping out in Iraq, backed out at the first opportunity - I.E., as soon as one of their citizens actually got in harms way.

(Also note: Most of Al-Quaeda is currently considered to be hiding in Pakistan, THREE FUCKING YEARS after 9/11. If that's an ally, I don't even WANT to know who our enemies are.)

Just a few thoughts,