Post #177,082
9/29/04 10:21:53 PM

Some good news for the interested.
I became engaged last night!
Almost complete surprise to my GF; I knew I'd have only one chance to ask her to marry me and wanted it to be right. The other Sunday night would have been near perfect but the ring wasn't ready. But yesterday she calls and says how about dinner in a restaurant. Proposing after dinner in a restaurant is a bit of a cliche, but it works. :-) Of course she said yes! She knew I was going to ask, she knew I was getting a ring, but didn't know any more than that.
We'll probably get married in about 6-8 months.
Is it enough to love Is it enough to breathe Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
| | Is it enough to die Somebody save my life I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary Please
| -- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne. |
Post #177,084
9/29/04 10:27:33 PM

I wish you and her all the luck in your life together!
Nightowl >8#
"It's not where a person stands in time of comfort and security, but rather where they stand in times of strife and controversy that determine true friends." (Quote sent to me by a true friend, author unknown).
Post #177,086
9/29/04 10:29:07 PM

I proposed to my wife five times before she finally agreed. Of course, once she did, I was so used to her tellling me she wasn't sure that I almost missed her agreement!
Tom Sinclair
"While I'm still confused and uncertain, it's on a much higher plane, d'you see, and at least I know I'm bewildered about the really fundamental and important facts of the universe." Treatle nodded. "I hadn't looked at it like that," he said, "But you're absolutely right. He's really pushed back the boundaries of ignorance." -- Discworld scientists at work (Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites)
Post #177,087
9/29/04 10:31:44 PM

That's superb, Wade!
Married men live longer! Or, at least it seems that way. :)
"If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -- Philip K. Dick, US science fiction writer
Post #177,097
9/29/04 10:56:28 PM

We do - but women don't see the same benefit
About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Post #177,127
9/30/04 7:58:36 AM

That must mean...
...that I'm going to live twice as long as the rest of you only-married-once suckers. ;-)
Or something like that.
If she doesn't kill me first.... ;-)
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Historical Review of Pennsylvania
Post #177,088
9/29/04 10:32:44 PM

Hey! Congratulations! Wonderful news.
Post #177,089
9/29/04 10:36:11 PM

Finally you'll stop hearing, "So when you getting married?"
So when you having kids?
Oh, and congratulations.
Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
Post #177,235
9/30/04 5:31:47 PM

Re: Finally you'll stop hearing, "So when you getting marrie
didnt you read his post? married in 6-8 months, due in 7-9 months :-) regards daemon
Post #177,291
10/1/04 12:13:56 AM

We both have some non-mainstream beliefs and will try to maintain our willpower until the wedding night.
Is it enough to love Is it enough to breathe Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
| | Is it enough to die Somebody save my life I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary Please
| -- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne. |
Post #177,314
10/1/04 9:41:21 AM

Kudos to you.
Standing on principle is to be admired.
bcnu, Mikem
"The struggle for the emancipation of the working class is not between races or religions. It is one of class against class. Every trace of anti-Semitism, or any form of race hatred cannot assist the oppressed, it can on the contrary only aid the exploiters. Workers of all nationality, religion or creed must stand together against the common enemy: capitalism." -Ted Grant
Post #177,341
10/1/04 12:44:09 PM

Dude... that is sooooo...
COOL. It is a thing to behold. Don't ever lose that. Fewer and fewer people are that "honest and forthright"... If the average everyday "EVUL" corporation knew that, and you worked for them. You'd be out on your ear in a heartbeat. As I previewed this post... Oh the ever omniscient LRPD spoketh, guided by the ever-rotating GRR: Keeping you in touch with temptation. So, even the LRPD knows. Dang I guess you have swing.
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwetheyNo matter how much Microsoft supporters whine about how Linux and other operating systems have just as many bugs as their operating systems do, the bottom line is that the serious, gut-wrenching problems happen on Windows, not on Linux, not on Mac OS. -- [link|,1759,1622086,00.asp|source]Here is an example: [link||Executing arbitrary commands without Active Scripting or ActiveX when using Windows]
Post #177,095
9/29/04 10:50:23 PM

-- Steve
Post #177,096
9/29/04 10:54:00 PM

Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #177,098
9/29/04 10:57:46 PM

Not that I was ever interested in least not in that way.. :-P
Cheers, Ben
About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Post #177,099
9/29/04 11:02:58 PM

Now begins the long slow slide into insolvency... ;-)
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #177,106
9/29/04 11:31:06 PM

Congrats to you.
The marrying type eh?
Fine, just make a good go of the Wedding!
Get you money's worth!
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwetheyNo matter how much Microsoft supporters whine about how Linux and other operating systems have just as many bugs as their operating systems do, the bottom line is that the serious, gut-wrenching problems happen on Windows, not on Linux, not on Mac OS. -- [link|,1759,1622086,00.asp|source]Here is an example: [link||Executing arbitrary commands without Active Scripting or ActiveX when using Windows]
Post #177,109
9/30/04 12:13:14 AM

--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada [link|news://|news://] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
Post #177,110
9/30/04 12:15:35 AM

Way to go!
Post #177,115
9/30/04 1:46:40 AM

hey, happy nuptials
may the two of you always be so happy
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #177,117
9/30/04 2:05:32 AM

Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #177,121
9/30/04 6:45:08 AM

sic transit 'static'
- there must be something we can do with a current/noise analogy :-)
Nice (and you must always Believe that)
Cheers, moi
Post #177,143
9/30/04 9:07:56 AM

I think it was something you posted about marriage..
... that I will always remember and was an important, if small, element in recognising the inevitable: it was some line from some author about not worrying about who's right but to realize here is someone who wants to spend the rest of their life with you.
Apologies if I have mis-recalled incorrectly.
Is it enough to love Is it enough to breathe Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
| | Is it enough to die Somebody save my life I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary Please
| -- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne. |
Post #177,232
9/30/04 5:23:15 PM

Nice to hear
that some of those smart dead guys (or dead-smart?) are still able to help us! :-) (Only a fool desires what "he deserves" cha cha cha)
Post #177,122
9/30/04 7:03:44 AM

Cool! Have a happy one!
Post #177,124
9/30/04 7:53:34 AM

What, are you NUTS????
Hey, I had to do the "guy to guy" thing. Nobody else was....
Congrats man...prove she's a lucky woman.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #177,125
9/30/04 7:57:23 AM

That's great to hear!
Do yourself a favor...push for a small wedding!
(Tongue only halfway in cheek.)
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Historical Review of Pennsylvania
Post #177,130
9/30/04 8:15:46 AM

I've said this to you already, but: Congrats to you both!
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
Post #177,131
9/30/04 8:19:49 AM

... a reference to Presidente Arbusto. -- [link||Geoffrey K. Pullum]
Post #177,139
9/30/04 8:47:13 AM

Congratulations - amid utter bewilderment:
What what what -- I thought you'd already been married all the time we've known you?!?
Only goes to show you're doing the right thing -- you must obviously be the kind of guy to be maried, if you give the impression that you are, even as a bachelor.
So, congratulations on finally catching up to your intended state! :-)
[link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad] (I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link||Ashton Brown]
Post #177,142
9/30/04 8:59:04 AM

You flatter me. :-)
And she was my first girlfriend since high school!
Is it enough to love Is it enough to breathe Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
| | Is it enough to die Somebody save my life I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary Please
| -- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne. |
Post #177,146
9/30/04 9:23:42 AM

bcnu, Mikem
"The struggle for the emancipation of the working class is not between races or religions. It is one of class against class. Every trace of anti-Semitism, or any form of race hatred cannot assist the oppressed, it can on the contrary only aid the exploiters. Workers of all nationality, religion or creed must stand together against the common enemy: capitalism." -Ted Grant
Post #177,151
9/30/04 10:09:58 AM

Legal nookie. What a concept.
----------------------------------------- It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand. Mike Royko
Post #177,153
9/30/04 10:32:38 AM

Now, to get her on IWETHEY... ;)
Powered by the Hammer of the Gods
Post #177,154
9/30/04 10:36:19 AM

Is Susan?
About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Post #177,156
9/30/04 10:41:42 AM
9/30/04 10:42:04 AM

You know Marlowe?
Post #177,158
9/30/04 10:45:10 AM

Post #177,159
9/30/04 10:49:47 AM

I should have shot her when I met her then?
About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Post #177,160
9/30/04 10:56:06 AM

Pretty drastic...maybe just lobotomize?
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #177,163
9/30/04 11:11:32 AM

To lobotomize I need to find a brain first
About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Post #177,279
9/30/04 11:20:52 PM

The thought had crossed my mind. ;-)
Is it enough to love Is it enough to breathe Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
| | Is it enough to die Somebody save my life I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary Please
| -- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne. |
Post #177,285
9/30/04 11:39:09 PM

And risk divorce before the wedding?
Post #177,155
9/30/04 10:41:28 AM

Been said many times, but here's another - Congratulations.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail ... but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"
Post #177,236
9/30/04 5:35:23 PM

serious step for someone in your condition
I know you will want to do it right the first time, Im glad for you. regards, daemon
Post #177,327
10/1/04 11:39:31 AM

Have Beep throw you an IWETHEY bachelor party
Imagine: dozens of guys sitting around, drinking beer, smoking cigars, and futzing with your computer(s)!
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #177,842
10/5/04 12:00:37 PM

Expect massive change in your life, and expect it to be good change.
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT
Post #177,849
10/5/04 12:57:10 PM

Welcome to the dark side
of your life.
That was lovely cheese.
--Wallace, The Wrong Trousers