Post #175,948
9/23/04 1:53:27 PM
9/23/04 1:54:22 PM
Cat Stevens IS the next best thing to a terrorist!
Remember Salman Rushdie
Yusuf Islam went on TV and said that all those who insult Islam must be killed
You can call him Cat Stevens if you like but I'd bet he's given money to plenty of questionable groups (even the US government gets one right occasionally)
Play I Some Music w/ Papa Andy Saturday 8 PM - 11 PM ET All Night Rewind 11 PM - 5 PM Reggae, African and Caribbean Music [link||Tune In]
Edited by andread
Sept. 23, 2004, 01:54:22 PM EDT
Post #176,003
9/23/04 6:26:09 PM
So have you: got much Microsoft, Walmart stuff?
Post #176,016
9/23/04 7:14:44 PM
Re: So have you: got much Microsoft, Walmart stuff?
If a non citizen public figure who states that large swathes of the american public must be killed, should he be allowed to come here? I think not. thanks, bill
Post #176,023
9/23/04 7:33:06 PM
Re: So have you: got much Microsoft, Walmart stuff?
Not sure what your point is here surely Salman Rushdie is closer to the politics that you espouse here than the ex-Cat will ever be no one threatened the life of the ex-Cat either there was a world wide fatwa against Rushdie who had to spend many years in hiding If I ran the circus I don't know if I'd spend a lot of many keeping the ex-Cat out of the country but it doesn't bother me that he isn't let in
Play I Some Music w/ Papa Andy Saturday 8 PM - 11 PM ET All Night Rewind 11 PM - 5 PM Reggae, African and Caribbean Music [link||Tune In]
Post #176,111
9/24/04 9:33:50 AM
From "Nothing to fear but fear itself" to "Nothing but fear"
bcnu, Mikem
"The struggle for the emancipation of the working class is not between races or religions. It is one of class against class. Every trace of anti-Semitism, or any form of race hatred cannot assist the oppressed, it can on the contrary only aid the exploiters. Workers of all nationality, religion or creed must stand together against the common enemy: capitalism." -Ted Grant
Post #176,289
9/24/04 6:19:05 PM
Yusuf Islam made his choices
let him live with them
If I heard him say he was wrong about Rushdie (a real person who lived in real fear for many years because he wrote a book and the Islamic fundamentalists lied about its content and then ordered him killed to support their lies) and releated issues then I might say it was wrong to keep him out of the country
It seems like many are saying 'oh they won't let the guy who wrote Peace Train in ha ha'
Yusuf Islam denounced his former career, rejected his music and then in a moment of self-serving hypocrisy re-records Peace Train to aid the Islamic cause
I'm not for the war in Iraq or the so-called war on terror
I'm pro-Rushdie and anti- Yusuf Islam
Play I Some Music w/ Papa Andy Saturday 8 PM - 11 PM ET All Night Rewind 11 PM - 5 PM Reggae, African and Caribbean Music [link||Tune In]
Post #176,290
9/24/04 6:21:29 PM
Sound about right to me
Post #176,335
9/24/04 9:19:27 PM
My retort was too oblique
Meant only that, "terrierists" are often in the eye of the beholder. Every dead Iraqi and his family and their clan (and anyone else who likes to retell, nay - needs to retell.. the tale about a dismembered mother+son etc.) - each one of these sees *Our* actions Quite Personally. And they were Terrified.
*We* terrorize, and have in some small way, somewhere.. in the banana republics -- from since we purchased the first boatlod of SLAVES. Giant Monopolists continue to use leverage against the governments! of less $-powerful nations. People are killed in this $-battle. It's still the same process. But oblique, yes.
I'll go with your side on the Rushdie issue, however. Lots of plastic 'celebrities' mouth off almost as stupidly as Professionally-bought congresscritters - they are Bad, but no worse than other well subsidized liars.
He wrote some catchy tunes. He flunked Human BS 101A. And he made the wrong call re stupid fucking fatwahs; those don't come from Gawd; they come from wackos.
Post #176,338
9/24/04 9:26:11 PM
You mention- to aid the Islamic cause . This is where I become confused. What cause are you speaking of? What are it's characteristics? How do you identify it? Remember, I'm a non-religious guy, so you'll have to spell it out for me.
----------------------------------------- It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand. Mike Royko
Post #176,481
9/26/04 2:55:38 PM
perhaps I should have said
to aid the radical Islamist cause
I meant to refer to those Muslims who believe that they are commanded by God to destroy the US and its ally Israel by any means necessary
I do not believe that all Muslims believe this
Play I Some Music w/ Papa Andy Saturday 8 PM - 11 PM ET All Night Rewind 11 PM - 5 PM Reggae, African and Caribbean Music [link||Tune In]