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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Somewhere, somehow
someone is laughing at America.

The real problem is, he's not a very nice guy.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New Bah! Sure I am; just ask Anki.
New :)
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New We don't get to meet Her; Her gig is___Cosmic Humour LLC
     Yet more stupid reasons to cancel a flight - (inthane-chan) - (12)
         Good grief! Idiocy is rampant. -NT - (a6l6e6x) - (2)
             Yeah boy -NT - (deSitter)
             As evidenced by... - (xtensive)
         Somewhere, somehow - (jake123) - (3)
             Bah! Sure I am; just ask Anki. -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 :) -NT - (jake123)
             We don't get to meet Her; Her gig is___Cosmic Humour LLC -NT - (Ashton)
         ROFL! God, do we ever deserve Dubya. -NT - (mmoffitt)
         Here I thought you were referring to - (lincoln)
         Doesn't even have to be "arabic" - (scoenye) - (2)
             Doesn't even have to be "arabic", II - (jb4) - (1)
                 Wonderful... an American Airlines ad on that article... -NT - (scoenye)

  1. I've read it before; and
  2. I ignored it and marked it read the first time.

88 ms