Let's pretend that Mr. Intellect has been given a small supporting role here, for a few minutes -
It can be argued with quite larger probability that Osama LOVES GW Bush!
Bush has given him vastly more than he ever dreamed to achieve (all on a budget apparently of.. $400-500,000; how's That for imbalance in War Costs for any opposing sides in the *History of the World , Mr. Newly-minted Econ Maestro?)
* forgetting for this minute that, you don't know shit about any of that History stuff, except from that 9 months-crammed-into --> 28 minutes, fois gras course.
So then:
Which 'President' do you imagine .. ... ....
Mr. Bin-L WISHES to have in place, next, huh?
..with a WIN like that, so far.
Please consult Mr. Maddox before going with Mr. Mozart; I know you'll sort it out.