You didn't say any other factors, and implied that was the only factor. In fact, you blamed Bush for the high oil prices due to the war in Iraq. Yet there are other factors that Bush is not responsible for like the growing demand in other countries.
The middle-east has been unstable long before the Iraqi War. The source I cited, which has more credibility than you, said there was only a 25 cent rise in gas price due to the $10 increase in a barrel of oil, which as you claim, is due to the unstability of the middle-east. You also claim that this source is wrong, and instead of 25 cents increase it is more like 1/3rd the price, yet you have no source to cite this, unlike me.
Confusing Jordan with another country is just the start of your mistakes. Apparently you cannot tell the difference between one or another. US support has been dropping long before the Iraqi War, in fact the Hatred of the US spreads through the would and even Canada has dropped in support. This AntiAmericanism has reached even you, it is being spread by the terrorists and enforced by people like Michael Moore. This AntiAmericanism existed before Bush even took office, and has been growing since the past 30 years or so. How soon you forget the Iranian Hostage crisis? Yet I suspect you've obviously confused that with something else as well?