Post #1,684
7/13/01 10:06:01 AM

Diet and jokes
I have been on a new diet for a while, I guess it is an old diet now come to think of it. I have 0 grease burgers in my diet, eating mostly chicken or some other meat not red. Some days I go without eating meat.
But anyway you say potato and I say patato.
The King of the Patato-People is the one that makes the lines you wait in go longer, he also makes the stop-lights turn red at 2am when nobody else is on the streets. He also sticks those cotton balls in bottles of Aspirn and digs potholes in your street when nobody is around. He appears to have a few henchmen that help him out, but as far as we can tell there is at least less than 20 of them. He has them get on public forums and shill for Microsoft and other companies. They create a lot of shill accounts (ala fake names and fake online profiles) that it appears to be more than 20 of them, but there is maybe like only a dozen or less in reality. They also shill for the Republicans and other groups. If something goes wrong in this country, you better bet that the Patato-People are behind it. They have access to many databases because some of them are crackers, they have blackmail material on just about everybody and can even influence supreme court decisions.
Of course you would know by now that I am just joking about the whole thing, right?
"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!" | Moe Howard |
Post #1,741
7/13/01 3:52:17 PM

Twilight Zone episode:
Demonstrating how 'time' works. It is corpuscular not continuous (See Science section). Couple wake up to see: how the scenery Actually gets changed, second-by second:
Lots o' guys wearing green coveralls do the scene-shifting. Not s'posed to See This\ufffd !!
But.. whatever turns ya on. It IS a conspiracy of course; those rose-colored glasses are slipped on just after birth, so's the rest of the troops aren't frightened when someone notices:
The guys in green ... you aren't s'posed to See. See?
A. "Trickle-down" er economics: It's OK if 3% get most of It. 24/7 cubicles: It's OK if the above ^ herd sheep into small pens. ______ don't be shy: ADD to your miniscule list of er 'convenient daily illusions'
(It makes the absurdities a bit easier to bear, if one recognizes their source) We always measure our cell - when incarcerated.
Post #1,768
7/13/01 6:57:35 PM

Seeing the unseen
I thought it was blue coveralls, and one guy left a blue wrench that was used to reassemble the backgound. The husband found it and hid it so nobody else would see it. But then the TZ was in Black and White so we can only imagine the colors of the guys building the "sets".
Call them Angels or just the guys in the coveralls, nobody is really supposed to see them. Sometimes we get out of synch of time and notice these things, being in-synch (not the boy band of the same name, you know what I mean) with time blinds us to the goings on around us.
It is not a matter of having rose-colored glasses, it is a matter of seeing things the way we are supposed to see them. If we saw the truth, it would be shocking, I am sure. So instead we see our version of the truth and the way things look like to us. If we saw them from different perspectives it might make a whole different truth.
"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!" | Moe Howard |
Post #1,769
7/13/01 7:10:54 PM

OhRyan - as Gurdjieff said to Ouspensky, when he met him..
(G. having read O's book, Tertium Organum) - O. visiting G. in order to try to become a "student of G's"...
"Pyotr Demianovich, if you understood what you have written, you would be My Teacher.."
You may have 'Gotten' more than you believe you have gotten - but not really seeing that: is as useless as Seeing and doing nothing about what you have learned.
ie thou sayest.
A. (And don't ridicule the idea of a mere TeeVee play - actually having more subtle overtones and implications - that's YAN way of not-ever Seeing anything) We learn ONLY via metaphors, always..
^%*#*^@# Wake Up Norm! It's all much better when you are indeed Awake - whatever that takes.
Post #1,857
7/15/01 9:49:15 PM

Wake up?
I am awake, just sometimes half-asleep due to the medication. But I can notice things that I didn't notice before. Is this a change for the good or for the bad?
"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!" | Moe Howard |
Post #1,862
7/15/01 10:54:25 PM

it appears that a couple of yer prior meds
were self cancelling and yer brain patterns are being regulated by the new ones in a more "bell curve normal" way. they are fireing off certain receptors regularly that the docs "think" are needed to control depression. Since you are a non drinker you need some form of mental maintenance because of yer depression. thanx, bill
can I have my ones and zeros back?
Post #2,005
7/17/01 1:51:25 AM

Re: Diet and jokes
The King of the Patato-People is the one that makes the lines you wait in go longer, he also makes the stop-lights turn red at 2am when nobody else is on the streets
I guess we don't have EZ quotes here?
No, no, no. That's Murphy.
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!