But he has his pianissimo moments along with the Larger-than-life bombast, beloved of the Cherman High Command; the music went so well with Speer/Hitler's icy-cold 'architecture', as rendered human beings on ~ insect scale.

(It may be dangerous though.. glorifying the Teutonic myths as historical - much as Corp Religion does, their mantras intentionally confusing the metaphoric with the literal.) So don't try these flights of fancy at home, without at least a good hunch of what he was programming into malleable psyches.

How many recognize re The Doors (rock? group) its origin in Wm. Blake?
"If the doors of perception were to be cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite".

With Dickie Wagner - it's best to know what He is getting at, too. Then one can fully enjoy his perpetual anthems all saying, Hey! We Won.. Ain't It SWEET !?

See? Everything is subversive - if it has any depth at all :-\ufffd