I was just happy to get it running. I will, no doubt, have to re-visit this. It was a panic situation before. The product was delivered two months late, everybody's head was on fire, PHB screaming 'Get it to work! Get it to work!', etc.
I'll try to approach it with a more open mind next time. But, the PHB in question is being replaced. This app is our only JSP app and could be redone from scratch w/PHP in a month tops. Dunno if the new PHB will want to continue w/JSP or not (this might be a do-over). Even if we stick with java, I'd bet the ranch that 80% of the code will be reworked completely. I know for sure that the database will be redesigned and that sp's will be used to insert/delete/update data (not to mention all the 'select a.*, b.column1 from table1 a, table2 b where a.name = b.name and a.date = b.date and a.address = b.address and a.plant = b.plant and a.location = b.location and a.type = b.type and a.invoice = b.invoice' crap. Who knows, might even add some Views, Triggers, explicit transaction processing and DRI to the database!)