if the law as written says that someone coming here to earn money needs an H1B visa then this author should have had one.I confess that I never gave a thought to the scores of American novelists this pommy bastard is displacing on the so-called "lecture circuit." That hall could have been filled instead with fans of, ah, John Grisham, or...uh, Danielle Steele, or maybe some dude who does serious littrachur, like, you know, whatsisname, the DaVinci Code guy. Instead, this McEwan character snags the swag, further worsening our already dire trade deficit. Come to that, maybe we need to put some limits on the number of foreign-authored novels we allow to be published here—at the very least, any non-citizen author with books in print stateside should be required to have an H1B before entry, in case any of his work earns royalties for him during his stay. We can't be too careful.