I recall driving into 'the city' with my aunt, gramma - about age 7? on occasion of one uncle separating from a finger. (This was from, maybe a 'ranch' but not really a farm; animals though, and real live food.)
I asked him the usual 7-year old question: did you cry? Can see him now, doin a good Jimmy Durante performance of
Cry !! why they could hear me into the next county !!
Loved It, and him. While still not used to having to count to 9 (no re-attaches in the dark ages) .. he was willing to get a giggle out of a kid. Class.
Dunno what it's like trying to farm now, compete with Ag-Biz and MBAs, just to live [but can guess] - but my experience of this 'ranch' was.. what could only be an oasis vs any Corp imaginary job. The chores were in fullest sense - educational and healthy.. but a lot more, esp. for a kid. Anyone who imagines farmers as dumb - is stupid, and an ass besides. They know more useful shit (*about* shit too!) than a bevy of PhDs.
at least, back in their territory - with a neighbor doing 'original stuff' ~~ organic farming; developing educational methods to spread it around, while doing it. Great soil here. Just picked my own figs and some of his (last) tomatoes that taste like tomatoes.