Re: Don't want to use Webshere
You need to install the CICS SOAP Module (free).
Configure it (pick an ip addr & port)
Read up on how the m/f handles the incoming SOAP message -
1) Parses the XML
2) Converts it to Ebcdic from ascii
3) Invokes identified cics transaction & passes it a Temp Stge (TS)
pointer where the XML got mapped into ebcdic data format
4) The cics tran then can do what ever it wants (such as invoke another
tranid based on the contents of the XML).
The redbooks linked to describe all of this. The interactive demo shows it in pictorial form. Websphere is only needed for folks like us who want to use it to convert Cobol copybooks into Cics Soap enabled transactions.
You can write the client in any language you like provding it can send a Soap message to the port on the m/f that you have CICS SOAP listening on. Every where you read websphere, you need to figure out how to do that in whatever software you have.
Good luck