IBM have two SOAP Server implementations.

One for VSE (comes as standard in VSE 2.7)
The other is (or will be for) MVS).

Because we use VSE I haven't investigated MVS availability but was told by a former IBM workmate (now IBM Australia's CICS strategist) that MVS Soap server for CICS would come out this year 9 months ahead of original schedule.

The bottom link may be the best starting point - it seems to cover both.

IBM's VSE 2.7 SOAP Announcement letter

PDF doc


Reason IBM call it SOAP Server & not Web Services server is because they don't use wsdl & thus it can't be called Web Services (officially).

Reason they don't use wsdl is because the SOAP server takes any format of input (puts the contents of the SOAP package into TS - invokes a transaction & passes pointer to the TS to it. The Transaction must know what format the message is in.

SOAP Server has two addins that assist, one converts from Ascii to ebcdic the other parses the xml & places it into a COMMAREA

I believe you can do everything you want to per your post.

Doug Marker