Now I'm a little confused
Let me try one other time to outline the situation, and then confirm your input.
See, I'm confused because when I worked at the U of MO, and applied for another job within the University, they had me provide as many letters of reference from within that University that I could, which totaled 6 0r 7.
This time, I don't work at the college in question, but I have worked there, and I know many many people there, but HR in downtown doesn't know me from adam. I am applying directly to HR, not a potential department or anything, because they are creating a steno pool.
I have still not sent the application because of personal issues (being unable to see to write nicely, till I got my new glasses, etc), and plan to send it Monday, but I was trying to decide whether to mention my references from the college in my cover letter, or include the letters themselves, and am still trying to decide that. I was personally referred to HR by Ralph Ankenbrand, one of the references, and I told the woman on the phone as much. Maybe I should just include his?
This is a sorta unique situation which is why I'm not sure how to proceed, but I worked for many departments at the college in question, and have many many people there who will back me, which is what Ank thinks will work in my favor.
I have not called Ank and asked him what to do regarding the letters, because I was trying not to "need" my counselor this year.
Does this change anything about my question?
Nightowl >8#
Edit: Corrected grammar and added part about just including Ank's letter.
"To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are."
Eric Hoffer

Edited by
Feb. 14, 2004, 12:03:38 PM EST