Post #139,800
2/4/04 4:58:58 PM

deinstalled :-(
Well, I felt it was coming. It seemed like my female manager took it harder than me, that's probably because she's only been a manager less than 1 year and this is her first time dumping people. The senior director had the script memorized; he sounded like a tape recorder on auto-repeat. I bear no grudge against the company; from what I've heard, a lot of the people on the list where placed there first and foremost because of the size of their salaries.
There were around a dozen people hit today, a good 4 on the Tandem side of the company. More are expected on the way in the next month or two.
At least I didn't find out the way one guy did. He was working into the evening yesterday. His wife calls, saying "You got a statement from Putnam about your closed account." "There must be some mistake," he says, "the only account I have at Putnam is my company 401(K)". So he calls Putnam. "What's up with my account? Why is it closed?" The reply: "Well, sir, our records show that you're no longer with the company." WTF? Even when you get dumped you're allowed to retain your retirement account, generally speaking.
I saw him in the hallway this morning and he looked like he was about to go postal. Heard he was walked out around 10:30 AM. What makes it even worse: he's got a 1 year old infant, his wife announced last week that she's expecting again, he built a really nice (and expensive) house that he moved into last November, and he's a Georgia native who doesn't want to move to Atlanta. OUCH!
Time to hit the phones...
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #139,804
2/4/04 5:02:32 PM

Re: deinstalled :-(
UUhhhmm...yeeahhhh..about your joobbbbb...we should aahhhhh have a little talllkkkkk....
Sorry dude, good thing the Uncle Polytope (daBox) has you covered. And I'm so sure you'll miss Columbus..
Post #139,805
2/4/04 5:02:33 PM

I'm very sorry, Lincoln
I'll keep you in my daily thoughts and concerns, and I hope that you find another job soon.
Nightowl >8#
"To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are." Eric Hoffer
Post #139,829
2/4/04 6:32:36 PM

Damn. That sucks.
Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #139,831
2/4/04 6:34:40 PM

shoulda took the relo in hind site :-)
oh well, you'll get something else. thanx, bill
I do hold an englishman's brothel is his castle , where he should behave accordingly--as many flash tails as he likes , but none of the troop fornications that the orientals and germans indulge in. Its not the indecency I mind , but the company of a lot of boozy brutes hallooing and kicking up a deuce of a row when I want to concentrate and give off my best. A regular bacchanalia is something to see right enough, but I am with the discriminating Frog who said that one is interesting, but only a cad would make a habit of it. Sir Harold Flashman esquire VC OBE
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #139,838
2/4/04 6:57:46 PM

Sorry to hear it, even if it was expected
"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not" - [link||Stefano Mazzocchi]
Post #139,841
2/4/04 7:02:56 PM

Sucks. Condolences.
Keep yer head up and something else will come along. I notice things picking up locally...Hope that transfers to wherever you're looking.
Post #139,915
2/5/04 12:34:23 AM

Looking in order
1. Houston - back to the house and family 2. Dallas/Ft. Worth and Austin - can drive home on weekends 3. San Antonio - same as above, just not as promising a town for business 4. Chicagoland - always want to come back home 5. Anywhere in the USA except New York City and Alaska - requirements from the wife.
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #139,899
2/4/04 11:23:48 PM

Well, that sucks!
At least it's not a total surprise. Good luck lining up another job!
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. -- Plutarch
Post #139,900
2/4/04 11:23:55 PM

Re: deinstalled :-(
Hope you have better luck then I'm having.
Post #139,916
2/5/04 12:36:04 AM

Mass emailed resumes last weekend
Got three returned for invalid addresses. Got four recruiters saying "thanks for the update". Sent out around 50 total. Still have another 50 -75 recruiters to blast at, then I have to start calling to follow-up.
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #139,954
2/5/04 8:30:40 AM

Best of luck with the search.
Post #139,914
2/5/04 12:31:51 AM

Followup stats
The 11 PM newscast said that 237 were walked today.
An email from a former coworker said that a total of 25 were from my building, with 7 from the Tandem area specifically. Late this afternoon the senior director called a meeting. In it he told the remaining workers that all employees were to be interviewed by management and then ranked. 25% get an "A", 50% get a "B" and 25% get a "C". They won't be told who's above you or who's below you, nor will they tell you the criteria on how your rating was achieved. But the impression was, if you get a "C", start looking for a job and hope you get it before the next wave hits.
See what happens when you make $1 billion gross, $126 million in net revenue?
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #141,760
2/14/04 10:11:31 AM

Re: Followup stats
12.6% is actually a good return. Your company should be congratulating itself.
Post #140,011
2/5/04 1:00:40 PM

Best of luck.
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #140,048
2/5/04 2:36:49 PM

Good luck on your search
I hope you find something before unemployment runs out.
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #140,060
2/5/04 3:23:54 PM

You weren't even there a year, huh.
The good news is its not quite as dead as it was 6 months ago. The bad news is its still pretty dead.
.....To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone -- to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: .....From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink -- greetings!
-- George Orwell, 1984
Post #140,217
2/6/04 4:56:38 AM

ugly ugly.. condolences
Post #140,225
2/6/04 7:37:57 AM

Sorry to hear it.
Chin up.
----------------------------------------- "If you don't vote, it's your fault!"