All of us have been big idiots at some point. All of us have used "crutches" before, whether of religion, political, or other.

Most of us have had a point where they didn't want to grow up, and probably all of us have used manipulation at times, some knowingly, and others unknowingly. And many of us are self-involved, in some way.

Most everyone feels at some point in their life that they contribute nothing to society. I know there was a point where I felt like that. Many of us feel like we'll amount to nothing, and will never change. But most of us do change, because change is something you cannot stop. And more people are "dsfunctional" than care to admit it.

You dare me to find a good quality? Sure, I'll bite, and I'll do it. You stuck by me when my shitty Ex-fiance cheated on me and screwed up my life. You took me out and made me be with people when I was depressed and wanted to lie on the floor in the dark. And you introduced me to Affinity, where I found the true love of my life and eventually married him. Good qualities? You CARE, you are there for people, you stick by them, you don't desert them. Yes, you get sick, or messed up and react badly at time, but for God's sake, who doesn't! We all make mistakes, and we all get through them.

I can't tell you what it's like to be perfect, because I'm not. I've been worse, and I'm a lot better, but I am nowhere near perfect. I have flaws, I wonder at times if I will ever hold a job again, and I am certainly not happy all the time, even though I've finally found a happy relationship. So I can't answer that question. And I'll be honest, no one in here can either, because NO ONE in here is perfect. No human on EARTH is perfect.

Perfect is a state of mind, sought after, searched for, but NEVER obtained.

I am working on my problems, as are you, and I will continue to work on my problems, as I know you will. And although neither of us will obtain perfection, we will obtain the best person we can be.

Take care Norman, because I CARE.

Nightowl >8#