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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Before the year is out, I'll beat you to it.
I'll flame myself before the rest of you can. This one is on me.

I am the biggest idiot who ever lived. Because I believe in God, I am an idiot who uses a crutch. I am dysfunctional, I am imperfect, I am the most hated man who ever lived. I am the cause of all the evil in the world, me, the unwitting Anti-Christ. Blame me for all the bad stuff that is happening in the world, because I'm 100% at fault and 100% responsible.

I am manipulative and never grew up, I refuse to use my brain for anything besides wanking myself. I am too self-involved.

I am a nincompoop, a moron, a drooling madman, a wanker, a mental defective. I have no good qualities, everything about me is bad. I don't contribute anything to society, the country, the world, or even this online forum but noise.

It is a wonder I am getting A's and B's out of my classes. Just random words being strung together by a stream of unending consciousness.

I am lower that a Protozoa\ufffds waste. I'll never amount to anything. I'll never change, I'll keep being dyfunctional Norman. I can never improve on myself, all thoughts otherwise are falsehoods or fiction.

I dare anyone, anyone at all, all my critics, to even try and find one good quality about me. You can't, because I have none! You've all said so, you've all proved so, you are all never wrong about anything, never, so it must be true.

Good ahead, add to it. I am sure I must have missed something. This is your chance, get rid of me for good if you can. You all are not even trying hard enough. Go ahead, push me over the edge if that is possible. You know I can't take it, being dysfunctional and all, but go ahead, do it anyway.

Just before you do, one last request:

"Please tell me what it is like being perfect, not having any flaws, being happy all the time, being smarter than the rest, and not having a care in the world?" To be honest, I don't know the answer to that, nor will I ever get a chance to. If you can answer that question, just before you flame me, it would mean the world to me.

I'd apologize, but nobody ever seems to accept my apologies. So why bother?

Edit: What can I say, but the flames posted to this thread are weak. I got much better flames when I was in the sixth grade. Instead I got a bunch of Dr. Phil wannabes that have misdiganosted me, mostly. Maybe one or two or three good nuggets of advice that I shall use. The rest is just horsefeathers. Plus nobody answered my question for my last request but Arkady. Even he used a simple word, "Yes" to answer it. But at least he had the guts to answer it. While everyone is giving me advice on my problems, I wonder if anyone is working on their problems?

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

Expand Edited by orion Dec. 31, 2003, 09:02:09 PM EST
Expand Edited by orion Dec. 31, 2003, 09:04:44 PM EST
New Oh, stop wallowing in self pity . .
. . it's really not productive, and when you finally realize how much you're enjoying it you just won't be able to take it seriously anymore anyway.
New You are, of course, correct, except for one thing
I do not enjoy it. It is not productive and I am not taking it seriously. Not really sure why I did it in the first place. Must be part of my insanity creeping back on me? :)

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New I used to wallow in self pity . .
. . and depression now and then, though it was never a really big thing for me. Then one day, in the depths of dispair, I stepped back and took a look at myself from outside and noticed how I was enjoying the hell out of it in a perverse sort of way. I haven't been able to have a decent depression since (not that I really want to), I just can't take it seriously any more.

Of course, like most young men, I had rounds of suicidalism, but that didn't work out either. I'd think about what I'd put in my suicide note, then look at my surroundings and think "who's going to respect the suicidal sentiments of someone who dies in this sort of self-imposed squalor", so I'd set about cleaning house in preparation.

This was self defeating, of course. Who wants to commit suicide when you've just finished up your work and have a nice clean and orderly house. Time to go out and and try to lure some chicks.

New Re: I used to wallow in self pity . .
I'm so depressed I feel better, because the one thing I enjoyed, being depressed, is lost, o weh!
New The difference seems to be
that when I wanted to die, I didn't clean house, I didn't care what other people thought about me, I just wanted to end the suffering. I didn't want to take anyone with me, so a car wreck was out of the question. Fighting depression is like fighting The Devil, even if you win, you've lost something, and it always seems to come back later. At least it is that way for me.

I don't like being depressed, I do not enjoy it. I can't seem to snap out of it, like some people can and do. If not for my depression, I could do great things. Instead I am just another bum, another idiot, who cannot seem to do much.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Re: The difference seems to be
that when I wanted to die, I didn't clean house, I didn't care what other people thought about me, I just wanted to end the suffering.

Same here. I didn't do jack about it, except want to die. At least I wrote a lot, which is probably what saved me throughout it all.

Nightowl >8#

This space left blank till Owl can change her quote.
New A friend of mine didn't do that
he didn't write about it or tell anyone until it was too late.

I've saved myself by telling others about it before I went and did something.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"


You're a narcissist, it can be fixed. And you DO enjoy it, it's obvious. Every "depressed" person I ever knew enjoyed it. When I was depressed, I enjoyed it. There is a gigantic difference between sadness and depression. Sadness and grief are natural reactions to loss. It might last years. Depression is a defensive reaction the narcissict throws up to maintain the narcissistic supply, even if it does have to come from the narcissist himself. Filling your head with legal drugs is no different in principle or practice than filling them with illegal ones (unless you are schizophrenic or neurologically insane - the latter meaning, mad cow sponge city, missing frontal lobe, hopeless hippocampus...). It's a way to maintain the self-involvement of the narcissist. BTW, I very strongly suspect most "therapists" are themselves narcissists, who dig the attention and control that the position brings, so I would not trust one for a second. I can honestly say I've never seen a psych in person or on the news or anywhere that didn't give me the utter willies.

New You do not even know me that well
you have only met me a few times. Hardly enough to judge if I am sane or not.

I am insane, because actions I took were insane, esp here. Just ask anyone I pissed off, they will either call me insane or an idiot.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New wanker != insane

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Re: You do not even know me that well
No, medically insane is very specific with grotesquely distorted alpha patterns and associated behaviors - uncontrollable tremors, tics, loss of control of body functions, etc. etc. etc. You don't recover from insanity any more than you recover from castration. Charles Manson is insane.

Legal insanity is a definition. Medical insanity is a neurological pathology.
New There is temporary insanity
I seem to suffer from several weeks of it, due to my schitzo-affective disorder. Or so I have been told.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New No, there is not
Is there temporary castration?

That again is a legal definition. The reasons these stupid definitions exist is the confusion wrought by wankology - er - psychiatry.

An insane person is demented for good because the brain is organically wrecked. I'm not talking about being paranoid about your coworkers giving you undoable projects.
New The word you are looking for is not 'insane' . .
. . but "nutcase". I'ts perfectly possible to be a "nutcase", even a "serious nutcase", without being insane. I would say at your peak you easily qualified for "serious nutcase", maybe even "very serious nutcase".
New I'll agree with that
once again you give me wise words on the subject. A nutcase it is then. :)

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Depression & Enjoyment
...And you DO enjoy it, it's obvious. Every "depressed" person I ever knew enjoyed it. When I was depressed, I enjoyed it. There is a gigantic difference between sadness and depression. Sadness and grief are natural reactions to loss. It might last years. Depression is a defensive reaction the narcissict throws up to maintain the narcissistic supply, even if it does have to come from the narcissist himself.

Well, you didn't know me, but I did NOT enjoy my depression. Mine was however, a chemical imbalance, and it messed me up in ways I can't explain well. I didn't eat right, sleep right, function right, nothing. I drove my car off into a ditch and luckily, the chemical problem was discovered.

The entire time I was depressed, I was confused as to why, didn't get it, and didn't understand it. I certainly didn't enjoy it. I wish I had sought help sooner, but it was kinda like the illness of "Walking Pneumonia" you didn't know you had it till you collapsed.

Nightowl >8#
This space left blank till Owl can change her quote.
New Grow up.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New I've tried
but failed to do so apparently.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Tell it to someone who cares
Time to put you back in the plonk file. I suppose we can expect to see dozens of "new" members here complaining about how we treat you again.

"After months of searching and billions of dollars,
we've finally captured the man who had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 !"
-Rob Cordry, The Daily Show
New actually I care
I guess forum shock therapy doesn't work.
New I gave up on him a while ago
I tolerate him when he's civil, ignore when inane.

"After months of searching and billions of dollars,
we've finally captured the man who had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 !"
-Rob Cordry, The Daily Show
New As I have said before
shock therapy or tough love does not work on me and only makes me worse. Flaming me also only makes me worse. It doesn't matter if it is done in forums, in the workplace, in real life, or anywhere. It is not something I have control over either.

So when it happens, I revert back to my old self. The one everyone hates and adds to the twit-file.

If left alone, I slowly get better, and hence make good and meaningful posts.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Re: As I have said before
Don't you see this IS the thing you have to correct? You will never be better as long as this "law of Norm" is in effect. Like it or not, that is not how the world is organized.

The only way to get better is practice.

You are doing good in school. Great. Since you still have free time, I suggest for a humbling experience, some volunteer time at a homeless center (like St. Patrick's or the SA). They have plenty of things to do. You'll see what people who actually ARE fragile and helpless look like.
New Don't you think I've tried?
I've tried to break out of this vicious circle, everytime I make some progress I am right back in the hospital or right back where I was before I made progress.

I've voluntered for the homeless, heck I've helped the homeless when I worked downtown by listening to their stories and giving them money to buy something to eat. You aren't the first person I've given one of my coats to.

In 1992, when I didn't have health insurance, and I got majorly depressed, I went into the State Hospital. I was in a ward with a lot of the Homeless that got shuffled there as well. If not for my family, I would have been one of the homeless because I couldn't find a job back then. So don't lecture me that I don't know what the fragle and helpless look like, as I have been among them.

I've toyed with the idea of volunteering at a homeless shelter, but half the time I have to watch my son, and most of the other time I have for college. Right now my son is watching cartoons, eating some chicken I heated up in the Microwave for him as I sit in the kitchen on a laptop. I find free-time inbetween studying and watching my son, or else I'd have no free-time at all.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New No I don't
I think you've convinced yourself that you've tried so you can feel more sorry for yourself. When you are ready to admit to yourself what the problem is, it will automatically start to correct itself out of self-embarrasment.
New The problem
is all the bad wiring in my head, the chemical imbalance, the childhood trauma, the teenage trauma, the adult trauma, etc. I am the way I am due to genetics, my environment, my experiences, my diet, society, and the way I have learned to act. It is not a problem that is easily solved. My depression has worked into a schitzo-affective disorder and needs schitzophrenic medicine to treat it now. I do not love myself, I hate myself. This fact proves I am not a narcissist. A narcissist loves themselves too much.

You call everyone but yourself a narcissist, it is just a word you use when you don't agree with anyone.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Re: The problem
Helen Keller had a rather terrible childhood "trauma" (what a fucked up use of that word) - she went blind and deaf. Did she sit around wanking herself? No. She was saved from a life of black silent solitude by a teacher who was raised in an 1890s version of an insane asylum, not a 1990s one. She was raised there because she too was almost totally blind and orphaned. Did she sit around wanking herself? No.

Trotting out this pyschobabble pabulum is proof of your self-involvement. You are the way you are because you are spineless with fear.

New Self-Involvement isn't even a word

Proof that you are making all of this up. I'll bet you are getting your jollies off of this. You just cannot stand someone else being miserable, so you claim they are not miserable, or don't suffer from what they suffer from. You have to call them lazy, or full of fear, to try and expain away what experts say on the subject.

Schitzoaffective disorder exists:





"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Re: Self-Involvement isn't even a word
You think you are the only fucked up person who has turned to the internet for narcissistic supply?

OTOH I lived with a raging narcissist, and got to know her whole wacked out narcissist cold-blooded family. I know it first hand.

C'mon, let's have a real flame out of you, wanker.
New You asked for it
your pretend to be my friend, and say you are concerned about me. Yet all I ever read from you is you putting me down. I am sick and tired of it.

You talked about people being brain-fuckers, well from what I read, you are a brain-fucker. You just can't stop messing with my brain/mind. Believe me, I spent a lifetime having to deal with brain-fuckers and I can spot one first hand.

The only thing you got right was my self-pity and not blaming myself for my condition. Well here and now I take responsibility for my condition. I start by standing up for myself and fighting back. Maybe that will take some of the ammo away from you?

I can tell that your depression is out of control, I've seen it happen to many people I know. It is transfered into your anger towards me, into your constant obsession with me and my problems, if you ask me this is not healthy. I advise you to seek help for your mental condition before it grows more out of control.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Schizoaffective disorder
This is new to me, but on reading the psychobabble definition, I would prefer to call this "prolonged wanking". Schizophrenia is a real illness that you also do not recover from, and you are not that either. This is the psych world's attempt to up the ante on von Wanker's syndrome (depression) and raise it from a neurosis to a real illness.

Joke: What's highly neurotic and a danger to the Alaskan wilderness?

A superwanker.
New Narcissistic neurosis
Read about it here:

New And right there is your fuck-up, in spades
Ross is right on this, Norm.

Your list of causes for your problems omits the only important one, you. Stop fucking wallowing in your own self-pity and wake up to reality someday.

Reality is that we ALL have problems, and the only one who can do anything about your personal problems is yourself. If you wish to declare yourself a victim forever, nothing can stop you. And nothing can stop the people who done you wrong from claiming that they are victims of their own circumstances ad nauseum.

But the fact is that if you really cared to take responsibility for yourself, you could. You could choose to deal with your own crap and live a better life. And pretty much everyone here knows it, which is why you don't get a lot of sympathy.

Oh yeah, I know what you are thinking about this. He doesn't really know what I've been through, what does he know of trouble? No, I'm not going into specifics. But I've seen enough of trouble, both directly and indirectly, to recognize self-pitying pap when I see it. And to recognize that the first step towards actually doing something about it is killing the whining self-pity.

IIRC you have kids. In which case you don't just have to do it for yourself. Do it for them. Remember this, if they grow up seeing you spend your life whining about being a victim, you have just handed them a load of your crap to grow up with and given them no role-model for how to deal with their own problems. And if they don't figure out how to do what you are avoiding doing, then when they grow up their litany of woes will include having you as their father.

And they'll be right. Just as you're right. And they'll miss the point just as you are doing. They can't help having had you as a dad. The only one who can control how much of a burden vs asset having you as a dad was is you. The ones who have to deal with the consequences are them. But you can make it easier.

Here is how you can make it easier. By taking responsibility for your own life. Now. That way you pass along less shit. And give them a model for how to deal with their own.

Despite every excuse that you can invent. The only excuse that you need is, I'm improving, and ____ is my current focus to make sure that I continue to improve. Every time you feel inclined to give more excuses, review what improvements you have made. Make the first improvement be, I've been dealt whatever hand I've been dealt, but it is up to me to do something about it.

"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New Maybe you are right
it will be hard to break a habit of a lifetime, to get rid of self-pity. In a way I am working on it, by going to college and trying to get a degree so I can get myself out of the disabilty I am on. I am working on it, but it is the hardest thing in the world for me.

You are right, I cannot control external factors, but I can try and control internal ones. If I can only change the way I react to external factors, I can get more control over my illness.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New There is no if about it
If I must be a slave to habit, let me be a slave to good habits.

-- Og Mandio

We can't change the fact that we are creatures of habits. But we can change the habits that we are creatures of.

However you won't get there by talking like a dishrag. You also won't get there by acknowledging how hard it is.

You get there by focusing on what you are doing to change. Ironically when you do it right, it doesn't take much "effort", just persistance. After all a habit isn't a 500 pound boulder, it just is an insubstantial reflex that feels that way.

"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New You should read Vaknin's entire work
I think he is the most profound psychological thinker alive. He is not a psychiatrist.

Unfortunately, "do it for the kids" is a far too feeble reason for a narcissist to change. That is why you'll usually find an entire family of narcissists when you find an individual. The cold-blooded symbiotic ruthlessness of these families has to be experienced to be understood. An outsider might as well be a piece of furniture. Nothing of his is valued, not even the outsider's family heirlooms and memorobilia. The human race ends at the family branch.

According to Vaknin, only insistent, brutal confrontation can force a narcissist into change.

The scary thing is - our entire society is set up to reward not just superficial narcissism (clothes, youth culture, etc.) but the pernicious psychological syndrome of narcissism itself. You will see that Vaknin makes deep observation that extreme conformity and conservatism in the reactionary sense is one of the characteristic hallmarks of narcissism. Our country itself can be said to be suffering from advanced narcissism. This provides a perfect explanation of how these flag waving jingoists can at the same time be virulently anti-American in the true sense - the America loved by the narcissist is the image of America that conceals the fact of bursting prisons, extreme classism based on wealth, and brutal, cold-blooded lack of concern for other nations in the real sense.
New Oh, I've experienced it. Trust me on this. :-(
"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New This is the MOST important thing to remember
...It is not a problem that is easily solved. My depression has worked into a schitzo-affective disorder and needs schitzophrenic medicine to treat it now...

It didn't come into being overnight, and it isn't solved overnight.

My situation improved, and I changed who I was and how I was, but it took YEARS and YEARS.... almost 23, to be exact. So be patient with yourself, and ignore all these people who think you can snap your fingers and suddenly be ok. It just does NOT work like that. It's a slow, steady and ongoing process that takes lots and lots of time.

Nightowl >8#

This space left blank till Owl can change her quote.
New I know that
which is why I ignored their advice. They don't know enough about me to properly diagnose my condition or plan a solution. Nor do they know the nature of my illness or how to treat it.

People who think that a depressed person can just snap out of it, deserve to either go to hell or end up with a depression of their own that they cannot snap out of.

A lot of the way I think and feel comes from the illness. The illness creates negative thoughts, and it is like having bad recordings being played in my head over and over again and I don't have access to an off switch.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New The only opinion about Norm that matters is Norm's.
"Tell it to someone who cares" should include Norm. As none of our words seem to help, I'd say he should spend some serious, quality, discussion time with his own reflection.

"After months of searching and billions of dollars,
we've finally captured the man who had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 !"
-Rob Cordry, The Daily Show
New Go soak your head
you never liked me anyway, so why should any of this matter to you what I do?

Actually some of the words posted here have helped, you need to reread some of my posts. Esp the ones where I agreed with AG. Unless you too have a reading comprehension problem?

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Was I talking to you?

"After months of searching and billions of dollars,
we've finally captured the man who had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 !"
-Rob Cordry, The Daily Show
New You posted on the thread
you talked about me. Sure seemed like you had something to say to me, advice-wise.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Re: Tell it to someone who cares
I care also. I will always care, even when I'm holding you at arms length, Norman, because we have been friends a long time.

But we have been through a lot together, so I hang in there and do my best to be the best friend I can, and that includes always caring.

Nightowl >8#
This space left blank till Owl can change her quote.
New Thank you for caring (new thread)
Created as new thread #133169 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=133169|Thank you for caring]

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Yes.

"It\ufffds possible to build a reasonably prosperous society that invests in its people, doesn\ufffdt invade its neighbors, opposes Israel and stands up to America. (Just look at France.)"

-- James Lileks
New Thank you Mr. Perfect :)

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New I wish that my slap in the face would help.
But I know better.

"It\ufffds possible to build a reasonably prosperous society that invests in its people, doesn\ufffdt invade its neighbors, opposes Israel and stands up to America. (Just look at France.)"

-- James Lileks
New Flaming yourself is illegal. GDTJ. DNPG. DNC$200.
New Norm, just change your name to Ginger
stick a spork in it.

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New No can do
I already locked myself into this account name, I promised I would not create another one.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New google Larson, Far side, ginger
stick a spork in it.

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Funny

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Here we go again.
you should do the math and figure out the frequency of these cycles

it's probably significant to your doctor/therapist/faith healer/whatever

at the very least this could be predicted and possibly prevented through medication since you don't seem to want to get to a real solution.
New I'll post this once (new thread)
Created as new thread #133095 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=133095|I'll post this once]

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New And I have this to say, Norman
All of us have been big idiots at some point. All of us have used "crutches" before, whether of religion, political, or other.

Most of us have had a point where they didn't want to grow up, and probably all of us have used manipulation at times, some knowingly, and others unknowingly. And many of us are self-involved, in some way.

Most everyone feels at some point in their life that they contribute nothing to society. I know there was a point where I felt like that. Many of us feel like we'll amount to nothing, and will never change. But most of us do change, because change is something you cannot stop. And more people are "dsfunctional" than care to admit it.

You dare me to find a good quality? Sure, I'll bite, and I'll do it. You stuck by me when my shitty Ex-fiance cheated on me and screwed up my life. You took me out and made me be with people when I was depressed and wanted to lie on the floor in the dark. And you introduced me to Affinity, where I found the true love of my life and eventually married him. Good qualities? You CARE, you are there for people, you stick by them, you don't desert them. Yes, you get sick, or messed up and react badly at time, but for God's sake, who doesn't! We all make mistakes, and we all get through them.

I can't tell you what it's like to be perfect, because I'm not. I've been worse, and I'm a lot better, but I am nowhere near perfect. I have flaws, I wonder at times if I will ever hold a job again, and I am certainly not happy all the time, even though I've finally found a happy relationship. So I can't answer that question. And I'll be honest, no one in here can either, because NO ONE in here is perfect. No human on EARTH is perfect.

Perfect is a state of mind, sought after, searched for, but NEVER obtained.

I am working on my problems, as are you, and I will continue to work on my problems, as I know you will. And although neither of us will obtain perfection, we will obtain the best person we can be.

Take care Norman, because I CARE.

Nightowl >8#

This space left blank till Owl can change her quote.
     Before the year is out, I'll beat you to it. - (orion) - (56)
         Oh, stop wallowing in self pity . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (15)
             You are, of course, correct, except for one thing - (orion) - (14)
                 I used to wallow in self pity . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
                     Re: I used to wallow in self pity . . - (deSitter)
                     The difference seems to be - (orion) - (2)
                         Re: The difference seems to be - (Nightowl) - (1)
                             A friend of mine didn't do that - (orion)
                 YOU WERE NEVER INSANE - (deSitter) - (8)
                     You do not even know me that well - (orion) - (6)
                         wanker != insane -NT - (pwhysall)
                         Re: You do not even know me that well - (deSitter) - (2)
                             There is temporary insanity - (orion) - (1)
                                 No, there is not - (deSitter)
                         The word you are looking for is not 'insane' . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                             I'll agree with that - (orion)
                     Depression & Enjoyment - (Nightowl)
         Grow up. -NT - (pwhysall) - (1)
             I've tried - (orion)
         Tell it to someone who cares - (Silverlock) - (26)
             actually I care - (deSitter) - (23)
                 I gave up on him a while ago - (Silverlock)
                 As I have said before - (orion) - (17)
                     Re: As I have said before - (deSitter) - (16)
                         Don't you think I've tried? - (orion) - (15)
                             No I don't - (deSitter) - (14)
                                 The problem - (orion) - (13)
                                     Re: The problem - (deSitter) - (3)
                                         Self-Involvement isn't even a word - (orion) - (2)
                                             Re: Self-Involvement isn't even a word - (deSitter) - (1)
                                                 You asked for it - (orion)
                                     Schizoaffective disorder - (deSitter)
                                     Narcissistic neurosis - (deSitter)
                                     And right there is your fuck-up, in spades - (ben_tilly) - (4)
                                         Maybe you are right - (orion) - (1)
                                             There is no if about it - (ben_tilly)
                                         You should read Vaknin's entire work - (deSitter) - (1)
                                             Oh, I've experienced it. Trust me on this. :-( -NT - (ben_tilly)
                                     This is the MOST important thing to remember - (Nightowl) - (1)
                                         I know that - (orion)
                 The only opinion about Norm that matters is Norm's. - (Silverlock) - (3)
                     Go soak your head - (orion) - (2)
                         Was I talking to you? -NT - (Silverlock) - (1)
                             You posted on the thread - (orion)
             Re: Tell it to someone who cares - (Nightowl) - (1)
                 Thank you for caring (new thread) - (orion)
         Yes. -NT - (Arkadiy) - (2)
             Thank you Mr. Perfect :) -NT - (orion)
             I wish that my slap in the face would help. - (Arkadiy)
         Flaming yourself is illegal. GDTJ. DNPG. DNC$200. -NT - (Another Scott)
         Norm, just change your name to Ginger -NT - (boxley) - (3)
             No can do - (orion) - (2)
                 google Larson, Far side, ginger -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                     Funny -NT - (orion)
         Here we go again. - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
             I'll post this once (new thread) - (orion)
         And I have this to say, Norman - (Nightowl)

Screw it, we're fighting Cirque de Soleil! Run for your life!
148 ms