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New Sick Transit, Gloria -- Monday?
Nice try, astirrin the pot.
(Now if only it'd been Georgia Tech 'stead o Notre Dame, in yer futchah! '-)

Involuted? Yup;

No lions to throw to the lawyers.

Only token politico-slogan exchanges, since it takes so Much trouble to try and conjure up a replacement for an abandoned Constitution, and all. No worthy dialogue on such er irrelevant questions as:

WTF does a 'conservative' want to conserve, after he gets the first million?

WTF does an anarchist want done with a speeding ticket?

Who stole the entire allotment of Guts from the 'Demo'crats?

Comfy; as with any other collection of drop-ins.. eventually all the big Issues had their firefight (no decent Xian roasts/defenses since.. Nick pronounced us all Evul - while relishing his Free Pass to watch our roasting from The Throne). Lots standing by for free tickets, rapturin-out - from airplane seats, yet.

Nope, no Kirkegaard, Dostoevsky or Heidegger face-offs. And nobody has a slightest idea about advertisin fer new blood as might want to do more than desultory chatting about er Friends.. was that some Tee Vee thing?

Now lengthy chains of I'm OK/Yer Not ? Why Not!? psych detritus, 'stead of anything much with an idea inside. (besides the moi-moi-moi topic - that's not an idea; that's YAN boring illusion)

Not being able to speak for anyone but moi -- I find that the entire morose, oft lugubrious Plight of our vanishing Republic, our burgeoning Pope Ashcroftian State has, simply dulled all comers (not just at zIWE - Everywhere!)

My theory is merely that, about the unSpeakable - you Just Can't Say Much; outrage can only be expressed individually, according to body-type and early conditioning. And then some Next! outrage occurs - currently, solely from the PNAC-mindset: and,

It's. All. Been. Said.

Nothing new. Just more of the Same Shit, slathered higher and deeper, with the EdJAkayShun resident still proclaiming 180\ufffd lies about "no child left behind cha cha cha" - with no actual Pshaw gettin on the newsfotainment, ever.

Mere impotent croaks from the wimpish sidelines: Repos on a Roll. Demos, til very recently: goin along with the gutting of all things bright&beautiful as once seemed doable (even in this merchandise-besotted sterile wasteland).

Downwards.. as to National Honor and similar inexpressibles.

My Gramma! - [now able-to!] actively building new nukes! (for whatever Fuck-all Cockamamine Next-Use Plan roils in the depraved Rove-o-witz brainpan).

So.. ya gots anything New? Danno - or just more general sophistry du jour..

..impatiently awaiting an Overdue next book by Kurt V, to tell us what -currently- we have become.
New Re: Sick Transit, Gloria -- Monday?
Not much more than a sophist can excrete - other than sophistry. The world has gotten in my way most of the last few years. Raising chillens is a lot harder than I ever expected. Throw in the "special needs" stuff to the equation, the endless stream of therapists, etc... Piaget be damned.

Ummm. I'm working very hard at turning chicken shit into chicken salad on daily basis. Years are starting to rush ahead. You know, the typical stuff.

I don't pontificate much any more, it bores my wife and kids. I shop a lot.

Heh, life ain't so bad...

As in most of your correspondences, I send out my perfunctory "natch" back at you per all things politico. As I've said many times as my alter ego, I'm already on the dark side. Come over to my world, Ashton. Nihilism is nothing. Come with me to non-existentialism (ie "I think, therefore: I don't). Living is easy with eyes closed...
Just a few thoughts,

New /me wanders amazingly off-topic
Many years ago, a short-lived comic called "Revolver" carried a story about Dan Dare - Pilot Of The Future. Only this Dan Dare lived in a dystopian future where corruption and malice ran through society like black veins through marble.

The Prime Minister's name? Why, she was called Gloria Monday.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Chilluns will do that
Make ya live in the &$%@# NOW, and all! (And what can be wrong with that?)

Eventually most of us come to realize what "the world of duality" is actually Like: and all the rest is that sound&fury, as the Bard noticed so well.

Hang in there. (Personally, I find the dark-side to be the last refuge of scoundrels, though at least there's more innovation there than amidst the brain-frozen Puritans. Y'know? Is there a worse sin than sharing the tedious conceit of the Certain-folk?)

Jesus died for your sins. Make it worth his time.
     Okay, I'm back... - (danreck) - (15)
         It has been a long time - (orion) - (2)
             Group mind... I like it. - (danreck) - (1)
                 Funny you should mention it - (orion)
         Welcome back, Dan! You forgot Brandi. :) -NT - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
             Oh, you are so right. - (danreck)
         Re: Okay, I'm back... - (deSitter) - (1)
             Ummmm - (danreck)
         Damn dan... - (bepatient) - (2)
             You're a lamer too... - (danreck) - (1)
                 Deans a loonie - (bepatient)
         Sick Transit, Gloria -- Monday? - (Ashton) - (3)
             Re: Sick Transit, Gloria -- Monday? - (danreck) - (2)
                 /me wanders amazingly off-topic - (pwhysall)
                 Chilluns will do that - (Ashton)
         {{{{{{HUGS!}}}}} - (pwhysall)

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