we had a substitute teacher last night at college who said just that about Microsoft. He also backed up Wal-Mart's actions.

Not to mention that he said the Outsourcing of IT is all of our faults because IT People were so arrogent, elite, and uncaring, and would not make programs easy to use and instead made them complex. He said that IT people didn't want computers in the hands of everyone and did what they could to keep them out of the consumer and small business markets. That only now are we paying the price for our huburis as we lose our jobs. That those $60K a year jobs were not paid because of skill, but because there was a shortage of people to fill the job.

I tried to talk back and explain the way things are really to him, but he kept cutting me off.

We did invent a GUI and made programs easier to use. The Macintosh and Windows did not take off at first, and only until 1990 or so did they start to sell very well when the technology that was needed to run a GUI effeciently came down in price. There never was a move to keep technology out of anyone's hands, hence the name "Personal Computers". It was for the people, not just businesses.

He makes me want to welcome the original instructor back to the class.