OK, I don't know why I like you or bother, but..
I could say the same about you, there are times when I wonder about you too. I do like you despite some things you say about me.
ECT is *not dangerous* unless you have a direct, measurable heart ailment. They don't "shock" you to be shocking you - they induce a convulsion as a way of cleaning out the garbage that's clogging your nervous system. If you are at all normal there will be few effects on you - effects that clear up and presto, you've been rebooted and can reorganize your thought.
While in the hospital a Reverand Sterling told me that it was against God to have such a thing done. He called it unnatural and torture. So on a religous basis I also have something against it. My wife is also against it and she is a nurse and knows the side-effects.