Post #130,732
12/14/03 7:13:34 PM

Re: ECT and me
Forget it Norm. Just be unforgettable you.
You and that other thing, what a pair. Where's the crater, I'm jumping in - I live in a city where people have the intelligence and insight of cheese wheels.
Post #130,757
12/14/03 9:52:09 PM

Cheddar or Swiss? :)
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #130,766
12/14/03 10:01:36 PM

Re: Cheddar or Swiss? :)
OK, I don't know why I like you or bother, but..
ECT is *not dangerous* unless you have a direct, measurable heart ailment. They don't "shock" you to be shocking you - they induce a convulsion as a way of cleaning out the garbage that's clogging your nervous system. If you are at all normal there will be few effects on you - effects that clear up and presto, you've been rebooted and can reorganize your thought.
Post #130,768
12/14/03 10:06:35 PM
having been hit with 220 from palm to barefeet in a puddle I can attest that the effects are deleterious but short lived. It does affect your personal magnetic field. I can effect tv broadcasts by standing close. After the shock for about a week that did not happen. It makes you feel like you are continously ready to faint and nauseous. Short term memory is affected but it does lower aggression tremendously. It takes about 6 weeks to renormalize which would not be of much use to Norm. thanx, bill
stick a spork in it.
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #130,772
12/14/03 10:10:04 PM

I still think it's better for you than powerful drugs. Also I thought the applied current was DC.
Post #130,777
12/14/03 10:17:54 PM

Reasons not to get it
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #130,769
12/14/03 10:07:10 PM

Rebooting my brain
OK, I don't know why I like you or bother, but..
I could say the same about you, there are times when I wonder about you too. I do like you despite some things you say about me. ECT is *not dangerous* unless you have a direct, measurable heart ailment. They don't "shock" you to be shocking you - they induce a convulsion as a way of cleaning out the garbage that's clogging your nervous system. If you are at all normal there will be few effects on you - effects that clear up and presto, you've been rebooted and can reorganize your thought.
While in the hospital a Reverand Sterling told me that it was against God to have such a thing done. He called it unnatural and torture. So on a religous basis I also have something against it. My wife is also against it and she is a nurse and knows the side-effects.
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #130,780
12/14/03 10:27:48 PM
12/14/03 10:38:35 PM

Re: Cheddar or Swiss? :)
Neither!!! GOUDA!!!!!!!
Hey, at least me and Norman are cheeses. You, you're just Cheese Whiz. ;)
Nightowl >8#
Edit: added comment at bottom.
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}

Edited by Nightowl
Dec. 14, 2003, 10:38:35 PM EST