No, it didn't
Neither Pearl Harbour nor the WTC come even close to being WMD attacks that inflicted millions of casualties. In the grand scheme of things, and even compared to events in recent memory, they are small potatoes; for example, the Rwanda genocide killed many times more people than Pearl Harbour and WTC combined. They're only considered a Big Deal because they happened to the US, not because of their inherent scale. Trying to compare them to genocidal attacks does a disservice to the actual comprehension of what genocide actually is.
I mean, the Rwandan genocide killed something like eight hundred thousand people in around three weeks with very low technology (ie- machetes). Trying to suggest that the WTC has anything close to that kind of scale is a pretty sad reflection of how human beings are valued. That would be more akin to (for example) all the white people taking up arms and trying to kill all the hispanics, and largely succeeding, resulting in millions of deaths. What Franks is talking about would be something along the lines of detonating a nuclear device in the Port of Los Angeles, or perhaps a massive anthrax attack on the Island of Manhattan.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada [link|news://|news://] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------