Not.. On The Road
Could get to the New Yorker even, er with a small glossary about 'sprats' n' such.
Ah.... to have had a poetess for (one of) my grandmother, instead of the McCarthy loving pre-vert I had to contend with. Indeed.. Indeed.. "And if these words you heed my dear - you are no blood of mine".
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..
(I too wonder where the actual grownup women are to be found - at least in public - I know where some of them hang out, otherwise..) Not often as enamoured of beer & fishheads as perhaps those of us with that defective Y-chromosome?
As to the 'pasty and incompletely formed'... um yes, but have you also noticed, even the wannabe talking heads on Tee Vee (where they are 'sposed to cultivate that announcer voice): that Valley-guhrl speech impediment appears to be on the ascendance? ..not to mention the rising-inflection at the end of a normal declarative sentence - such as to make it a kind of question? [like This sentence-fragment if read as a question].
Hell.. Dubya has his own form of that, though usually it's his ac-cen'-tu-atin all them difficult syl-la'-buls, for emphasis.. He is reading better though.
(Well.. I did have an intelligent conv. & badinage with a mid-20ish lass of late -- but then she's from Oxford as in UK, so... I mean - they still do speak English there.) I guess I'm a sucker for Brit-English anyway, though the father of a grilf there, was pure Cockney; ie born within the sound of Bow Bells. A communist labor org. of the '30s too! One of the wiser folk I ever met. So all the accents are kewl - just so long as there's a mind behind the mouth..
(Now I know who to call on finding self Southwards, for a clue 'bout what's happenin.. ever make the Laurel Canyon cycle ride(s) ? IIRC Zappa lived around there too)